Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by centex aggie »

LarryH wrote:Whether it was Gonzalez or Goliad, it wasn't part of the US at the time, so 2A didn't apply.

IIRC, "Remember Goliad" was another of the battle cries (in addition to "Remember the Alamo") during the battle of San Jacinto, so I believe Goliad was the site of another massacre by Santa Anna's army.

Since I'm one of those who "got here as soon as I could", I'll yield to correction/amplification by a native Texan.
lol, I'm with ya buddy!

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by anygunanywhere »

frankie_the_yankee wrote:
Total thread hijack. The OP was clearly referring to extraordinary situations like the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, not absolutist views of the 2A.
Frankie, kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

You being one of the leading proponents of reasonable restrictions on this board, you can't attack the message so you attack the messenger.

I will be certain to point out your next hijack.

I did not see your handle in blue so I don't think you are a moderator either.

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by anygunanywhere »

The fact is that you pointed out Liberty and me for a thread hijack. If you had the information you posted above you should have posted that instead of hassling Liberty and me.

If the OP or a moderator wants to take me to task then they are free to do so. Not you.

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by frankie_the_yankee »

anygunanywhere wrote:The fact is that you pointed out Liberty and me for a thread hijack. If you had the information you posted above you should have posted that instead of hassling Liberty and me.

If the OP or a moderator wants to take me to task then they are free to do so. Not you.

Why not? You don't run the forum. How is it that you are now issuing orders?
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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by anygunanywhere »

Frankie, you really are not worth the trouble. You are an annoyance.

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by carlson1 »

:nono: Back to Topic

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by kw5kw »

anygunanywhere wrote:Second amendment rights are suspended every day. Whenever you are required to obtain a license to arm yourself your right has been infringed.

Every time you have to fill out a 4473 your rights are infringed.

Every time you have to leave your firearm in your car or residence to enter where you are legally allowed to be your rights are infringed.

I agree with Anygun... plus every time I have to cover my weapon up I'm infringed.

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by boomerang »

The OP is free to clarify whether they meant infringement of RKBA like in the subject or if they only wanted to know about firearm confiscation.
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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by anygunanywhere »

boomerang wrote:The OP is free to clarify whether they meant infringement of RKBA like in the subject or if they only wanted to know about firearm confiscation.
centex aggie wrote:thanks fellers

The OP posted after Liberty and I posted our responses. As I read his response above, he was fine with what Liberty and I posted. This was before the hullabaloo was initiated.

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by frankie_the_yankee »

anygunanywhere wrote:
boomerang wrote:The OP is free to clarify whether they meant infringement of RKBA like in the subject or if they only wanted to know about firearm confiscation.
centex aggie wrote:thanks fellers

The OP posted after Liberty and I posted our responses. As I read his response above, he was fine with what Liberty and I posted. This was before the hullabaloo was initiated.

Well, I don't think that is what the thread is intended to be about. And there are a couple of posts just below the ones you cite, including one from the OP that seem to support my position. So it may not be exactly clear what the OP was talking about.

Maybe he should clarify it.

And be it noted that I have posted references to some instances where governments have exercised prior restraint upon 2A rights in the aftermath of natural disasters and/or civil unrest, which is what I think the OP was really trying to get at.

But in case you are right, I will now use the thread to point out that all those absolutist assertions about the 2A are a mass of legal and constitutional baloney. That they are supported by no court , constitutional scholars, or case law. Nor will they ever be supported by any court, constitutional scholar or case law. And the reason for that is that, like all other "unlimited" rights, they lead to absurd conclusions that society would never want and would never support. (I'm just waiting for the 2A to reach its "correct" status. I want to set up a string of vending machines selling MP-5's at the loading gates of our major airports. MP-5's are just so cool. I love 'em. So controllable for a full auto. 3 round bursts are best, but spraying a whole 40 round clip of hollowpoints at a bunch of watermelons is something everyone should do at least once. Yeee-haw! I think they'd sell like hotcakes. And if the machine was right at the loading gate, I'd be able to charge a nice premium over MSRP, 'cause at that point I'd be the only game in town. )

And furthermore, I will also state that it is my opinion that holding forth with (absolutist) assertions like that damages the credibility of the pro gun rights movement and simply provides ammunition to its enemies that pro gun rights advocates are not to be listened to or taken seriously.

That's why none of the pro-Heller briefs attempted to argue for the absolutist position. In court, it's a certain loser and they well know it. If they had argued from the absolutist position, the whole case would have blown up in their faces. Indeed, it never would have gotten to the Supreme Court to begin with.

So there you have it.
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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by centex aggie »

I think everyone here has a valid point. But yankee, lighten up buddy, seriously. you have pointed out some very notable things that also helped answer my question(s). :patriot:

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by longtooth »

Good post centex aggie
We are haveing to work overtime on a few heated ones.
Thank you for this spirit.
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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by centex aggie »

right on long!!

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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by frankie_the_yankee »

centex aggie wrote:I think everyone here has a valid point. But yankee, lighten up buddy, seriously. you have pointed out some very notable things that also helped answer my question(s). :patriot:

Sorry to be keeping the mods so busy.

But I am curious. What kind of dialog were you looking for in your OP? Were you interested in things like the Hurricane Andrew aftermath (contrasting with Katrina), the actions taken during the Rodney King riots, etc.? In other words, governments taking temporary action in the aftermath of a natural disaster or civil disturbance?

Or were you looking for a discussion of instances where federal, state, or local governments infringe upon 2A rights every day by virtue of laws on the books (in places like Chicago, DC, New York, CA, NJ, MD, and others)?
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Re: Prior suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights questions


Post by centex aggie »

centex aggie wrote:I know that the last time American's 2nd Amendment rights were taken away was during Katrina in New Orleans, but do any of you know how many times that this has been done by our Govt? I have looked but having a hard time finding anything.

that's all I was wanting to know. Y'all have given some great responses to this question I posed, and got a"little" sidetracked. But that's okay, as I feel that this type of discussion is needed by us who hold the 2nd Amendment so near and dear to our hearts. :txflag:

p.s. By GOVERNMENT, I'm including local, state and federal and all in between those municipalities.

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