LTUME1978 wrote: ↑Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:51 pm
Lots of good options. A Ruger Security Six was my first 357 back in 1974. Having owned more than a few over the years, I have found that I have a strong preference for a 5 inch barrel on a 357. A friend had a S&W Model 27 many years ago that had a 5 inch barrel and it was really sweet. Another current option is the S&W M&P R8. It is an 8 shot cylinder that uses moon clips (great for reloads) and has a 5 inch barrel. It has a rail for a light on the bottom as well as a rail on the top for an optic. They are on the expensive side but you may be able to find a good used one at a decent price. I have a Ruger GP100 now as well and it is a really robust revolver.
The 327 TRR8 is the S&W that has the removable top and bottom rails. The R8's bottom rail is integral to the barrel shroud. I bought my TRR8 from Carlson1, and I really like it. I. Fact, I just had to to the range again yesterday. I've left the rails off of mine. But absent that, I’d probably buy a 5” 686. I think the 3” GP100 is a really cool gun, and someday, I’m going to steal Longtooth's when he isn’t looking.

But I already own 2” .357, and I don’t need another eargeschplitten loudenboomer.....AKA, "the Noisy Cricket", so Longtooth's is safe for now.
I also have a 5” Model 29 .44 mag, and I really like that barrel length on magnum revolvers. They’re long enough to produce the kinds of velocities the magnum cartridges are known for, and to have enough weight to make recoil more comfortable, without making them harder to carry.
Anyway, a 5” S&W would be my first recommendation, followed by a 4.2" or 5" GP100. I don’t know which .357 lever rifle I’d buy, but obviously either a Henry or a Marlin. I also want one in .44 mag to match my Model 29. What I
do know is that I’d go for the full length barrel rather than a 16" or 18" carbine. If the idea is to maximize a pistol caliber, then I reckon that 20" would be appropriate.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"