Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?

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Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by sailor2000 »

Ever looked down a gun barrel held in the hand of someone so angry they were shaking? Back in ‘79 I needed a second job and responded to a help wanted ad for sales. Turns out it was a door to door sales job that was kinda slimy. Anyway the script was to leave a sales presentation in the form of a carousel slide projector that I would set up to project on the family TV and a cassette tape player and tell the prospect to push the button on the projector remote every time the narration on the tape beeped. It was a hard sell but not off the scale hard. Anyway, I left to go see another prospect I had dropped the sales demo stuff off to earlier and when I returned I rang the bell and the homeowner came out the door with a 1911 and pointed it between my eyes and explained his displeasure with the presentation. He was so angry his hand was shaking and his finger was on the trigger. What do you say to a man holding a 45 in your face, “YES SIR”... when he was done yelling at me I said he should keep the projector and tape player as my gift and I backed slowly down the walk, got in my car and left. When I got home I quit the job talking to an answering machine....
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by Grayling813 »

Twice. 12 gauge shotgun in hand of robber. Large caliber revolver in hand of unhappy hells angel leader.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by Jusme »

Not angry, but when I was 19, I had left my job for lunch, driving down the road, to a fast food restaurant, when I passed a police officer, going the opposite direction. I checked my speed, and I was going about 5 miles per hour over the posted limit. The police car, turned around, activated the lights, and pulled me over.
Angry that I was being stopped, for a minor violation, I stopped, got out, and reached for my wallet in my back pocket. I heard "Freeze" and looked at the officer, who had what appeared to be a hand held cannon, pointed at me between the open door, and the car frame. I "froze" hand still behind me. He ordered me to put my hands on top of my car, approached me, patted me down, and put me in handcuffs. He then put me in the back of his car, while he searched mine.
Long story short, a convenience store, had just been robbed, by someone driving a car similar to mine. I was driven to the store, where the clerk was brought out to see if I was the culprit. He looked in the back seat, and shook his head. If I had been able to, I think I would have kissed him.

I was taken back to my car, and released. I had lost my appetite, and went home sick the rest of the day.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by Oldgringo »

Jusme wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:09 pm Not angry, but when I was 19, I had left my job for lunch, driving down the road, to a fast food restaurant, when I passed a police officer, going the opposite direction. I checked my speed, and I was going about 5 miles per hour over the posted limit. The police car, turned around, activated the lights, and pulled me over.
Angry that I was being stopped, for a minor violation, I stopped, got out, and reached for my wallet in my back pocket. I heard "Freeze" and looked at the officer, who had what appeared to be a hand held cannon, pointed at me between the open door, and the car frame. I "froze" hand still behind me. He ordered me to put my hands on top of my car, approached me, patted me down, and put me in handcuffs. He then put me in the back of his car, while he searched mine.
Long story short, a convenience store, had just been robbed, by someone driving a car similar to mine. I was driven to the store, where the clerk was brought out to see if I was the culprit. He looked in the back seat, and shook his head. If I had been able to, I think I would have kissed him.

I was taken back to my car, and released. I had lost my appetite, and went home sick the rest of the day.
Back in the day, one got out of their vehicle so that the LE wouldn't be 'towering' over you. That was back in the day before the world went crazy. Yes, I have gotten a speeding ticket; IIRC, it was on the Florida Turnpike (U.S. 27) circa 1986.

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by Chaparral »

Yes, had a revolver stuck in my face, and back, in an armed robbery where I worked as a teenager. I hope to never have that experience, again.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by carlson1 »

1991 while working narcotics I had a drug dealer pull a .44 magnum and point it right at my head. You do a lot of thinking when in that situation.

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by eyedoc »

When I was 16, my mom called the cops about a guy down the street from us beating his wife. An officer from the sheriffs dept came to our gate. My mom sent me out to tell him where to go. I was wearing a pair of old style nylon track shorts and no shirt. He was outside our locked gate but pulled his 1911 and pointed it right at my face. :shock:

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by SpringerFan »

Twice, lucky to still be here.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by surferdaddy »

Back in high school days; a good friend of mine and myself went up to a known “hangout” spot. We had never been there before and were “scoping” it out for that evenings festivities.

It was a strange upscale development which was halted before it was completed. It was a series of roads and a few very large houses which had tons of land around them because no other houses were ever built. In the center of the development, atop a hill, was a weird small structure which housed equipment. It was know by the local miscreants as “the clock tower.”

So we were there mid day and heard a very distant yelling. We looked down the hill to try to see what it was and then the boom. By the next boom my friend and I had magically just appeared in his Volkswagen Jetta and were already speeding away.

On the way back we both agreed that it was likely just fireworks or maybe someone shot into the air. When we got to my friends house we noticed three fairly large holes in his car.

Being the wise young people we were we waited a whole week before venturing out there one late evening to partake in our maddog. Boy was I dumb.

Never saw the shotgun to look down but it definitely got my attention.

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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by sailor2000 »

sailor2000 wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 7:24 pm Ever looked down a gun barrel held in the hand of someone so angry they were shaking? Back in ‘79 I needed a second job and responded to a help wanted ad for sales. Turns out it was a door to door sales job that was kinda slimy. Anyway the script was to leave a sales presentation in the form of a carousel slide projector that I would set up to project on the family TV and a cassette tape player and tell the prospect to push the button on the projector remote every time the narration on the tape beeped. It was a hard sell but not off the scale hard. Anyway, I left to go see another prospect I had dropped the sales demo stuff off to earlier and when I returned I rang the bell and the homeowner came out the door with a 1911 and pointed it between my eyes and explained his displeasure with the presentation. He was so angry his hand was shaking and his finger was on the trigger. What do you say to a man holding a 45 in your face, “YES SIR”... when he was done yelling at me I said he should keep the projector and tape player as my gift and I backed slowly down the walk, got in my car and left. When I got home I quit the job talking to an answering machine....
I forgot to mention that the barrel looked big enough for me to have walked down....
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by RPBrown »

That’s what made me decide to carry, even before CHL was legal.
I was robbed at gunpoint in 78. My next paycheck, I bought a 357 and it went everywhere with me. I wasn’t as concerned about being arrested as I was being shot at the time
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

RPBrown wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2019 4:06 pm That’s what made me decide to carry, even before CHL was legal.
I was robbed at gunpoint in 78. My next paycheck, I bought a 357 and it went everywhere with me. I wasn’t as concerned about being arrested as I was being shot at the time
We use to call that carrying under authority of the 12/6 rule. I would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
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Re: Ever looked down a gun barrel held in an angry hand?


Post by puma guy »

Yes; two times.
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