Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?

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Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?


Post by Crash »

Has Walther improved the disassembly and reassembly of the CCP? I had one a couple of years ago that was so difficult to take apart and (especially) put back together that I took it back to the dealer. He is a registered armorer and also had so much trouble putting it back together that he took the gun back, returned my money, and sent it back to Walther. Wonder why they didn't make it like the H&K P7?

Just wondering if they have improved the processes any?


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Re: Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?


Post by Scott B. »

Not to my knowledge. I'm a big fan of the PPS, PPQ, and Creed, but not the CCP. Interesting idea but not a fun gun to clean or maintain.
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Re: Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?


Post by Teamless »

mine is about 2 years old and while I do like to shoot it, I HATE to disassemble it... so I rarely shoot it.
Its HORRIBLE to disassemble/reassemble
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Re: Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Having started with Glocks I never really gave the disassembly / reassembly process much thought. Until I got a few guns that were much more challenging. Now this is a criteria in my selection of new guns to add to the rotation. My general rule of thumb is that if a gun is more difficult to field strip than a 1911 I don't keep it. I like to shoot my guns, and I like to clean them after every range session.
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Re: Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?


Post by RoyGBiv »

Walther made an updated take-down tool that has a business-end made from aluminum rather than the awful nylon version that came with the gun. It's not any easier procedurally, other than having a better tool that doesn't slip. It's the only thing I don't like about my wifes CCP... It's a fantastic shooting gun, just annoying to take the slide off and put back together.

I sent the gun to Walther for a recall a year or so ago and requested a new tool. When they returned the upgraded gun the new tool was included. I bet they'd send you one for free if you asked.
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Re: Walther CCP Disassembly and Reassembly Improved?


Post by bmwrdr »

I bought a Walther CCP about 3 month ago and had a failure after 75 rounds. There was a plastic piece broke which is to my best understanding an essential part of the recoil system and I could not take the slide off because of that broken piece of plastic. I seent the gun in and Walther USA returned it within 8 days, no flaws since but I'll keep an eye on it.
Take down and reassembling it is simply a nightmare and I guess it takes monkey dexterity to learn it.
It is inexpensive, a great carry gun and nice shooter though. It is manufactured by Umarex and I guess that's why there is lesser quality applied in comparison to the other models.
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