Is your wallet really THAT valuable?
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My thought is if someone is demanding my money then that is enough to use lethal force. I'm not trying to be Rambo or anything, but someone that is demanding you wallet is most likely armed and dangerous. I've never robbed anyone, but if I did, I would be armed and dangerous. They deserve to be shot.
Friends of mine that have been mugged always saw a gun. They also always take your cell phone. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting to see the gun.
Friends of mine that have been mugged always saw a gun. They also always take your cell phone. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting to see the gun.
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Enjoy prison.govnor wrote:My thought is if someone is demanding my money then that is enough to use lethal force. I'm not trying to be Rambo or anything, but someone that is demanding you wallet is most likely armed and dangerous. I've never robbed anyone, but if I did, I would be armed and dangerous. They deserve to be shot.
Friends of mine that have been mugged always saw a gun. They also always take your cell phone. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting to see the gun.
Μολὼν λαβέ
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Well what he says is sort of true. I mean seariously. So someone comes up to you and demands your wallet and you refuse. They then pull out a Gun. By that time it is too late for you.Dwight K. Schrute wrote:Enjoy prison.govnor wrote:My thought is if someone is demanding my money then that is enough to use lethal force. I'm not trying to be Rambo or anything, but someone that is demanding you wallet is most likely armed and dangerous. I've never robbed anyone, but if I did, I would be armed and dangerous. They deserve to be shot.
Friends of mine that have been mugged always saw a gun. They also always take your cell phone. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting to see the gun.
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You're joking, right? Read what he wrote... He basically says that if someone demands his wallet (even without force) he will shoot them, as they deserve to be shot. Wow.RubenZ wrote:Well what he says is sort of true. I mean seariously. So someone comes up to you and demands your wallet and you refuse. They then pull out a Gun. By that time it is too late for you.Dwight K. Schrute wrote:Enjoy prison.govnor wrote:My thought is if someone is demanding my money then that is enough to use lethal force. I'm not trying to be Rambo or anything, but someone that is demanding you wallet is most likely armed and dangerous. I've never robbed anyone, but if I did, I would be armed and dangerous. They deserve to be shot.
Friends of mine that have been mugged always saw a gun. They also always take your cell phone. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting to see the gun.
Oh and "govnor", you better learn something real quick. This isn't the wild west where scores are settled at the end of gun barrel. I think we'd all agree that we need some justice like that now and then, but it's unrealistic. Why do so many of you think your CHL is a license to kill? I just don't get it...
Last edited by Dwight K. Schrute on Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
Μολὼν λαβέ
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You can legally use deadly force to prevent another's use of deadly force or to prevent robbery.RubenZ wrote:So someone comes up to you and demands your wallet and you refuse. They then pull out a Gun. By that time it is too late for you.
Robbery is theft abetted by the threat of force.
So if the "suspect" just says, "Give me your money," it might be considered aggressive panhandling or political fund-raising.

I think, both legally and morally, you have to be sure that it is robbery with a threat of force before you use deadly force.
As a practical matter, many people have gotten in a heap of trouble up to and including prison for shooting unarmed people, even though the incident was most likely robbery.
It's not fair, of course. One punch can kill. But when you just shot an unarmed "honor student" or football star, that argument may not hold much weight in court.
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No one is saying that a CHL is a license to kill. I'm not talking about a guy walking up to me and saying "gimme five dollars." I'm talking about a guy walking up to me and saying "gimme your wallet" or "gimme your cell phone." I don't think so. Maybe I'm a little more protective of my wallet because I carry a lot of cash around. I rarely use a debit card.Dwight K. Schrute wrote:You're joking, right? Read what he wrote... He basically says that if someone demands his wallet (even without force) he will shoot them, as they deserve to be shot. Wow.RubenZ wrote:Well what he says is sort of true. I mean seariously. So someone comes up to you and demands your wallet and you refuse. They then pull out a Gun. By that time it is too late for you.Dwight K. Schrute wrote:Enjoy prison.govnor wrote:My thought is if someone is demanding my money then that is enough to use lethal force. I'm not trying to be Rambo or anything, but someone that is demanding you wallet is most likely armed and dangerous. I've never robbed anyone, but if I did, I would be armed and dangerous. They deserve to be shot.
Friends of mine that have been mugged always saw a gun. They also always take your cell phone. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting to see the gun.
Oh and "govnor", you better learn something real quick. This isn't the wild west where scores are settled at the end of gun barrel. I think we'd all agree that we need some justice like that now and then, but it's unrealistic. Why do so many of you think your CHL is a license to kill? I just don't get it...
I'm not saying I would just haul off and shoot the guy. It would have to be threatening in the first place. What if his hands are in his pockets? What if he reaches into his pocket? If I could clearly see his hands the entire time and no weapon...then I would most likely pull my gun and tell him to back off. If he reached into his pocket, I would shoot him.
You're acting like these scum are just asking for your wallet because they want to be nice and rearrange it for you. I'm sure any situation like this would be VERY threatening. Yeah, you might go to prison, you might not. Most likely the guy has a rap sheet a mile long anyway. Usually it's going to be more than one person asking nicely for you to hand over your hard earned possessions. You as the honest citizen were only defending your property, life, family, etc.
I take great care to avoid situations where something like this could happen. The truth is though, that it could happen anywhere. A couple that I'm friends with were robbed at gun point in front of their condo in Dallas, walking from the car. Same with another friend of mine...walking from the car to his apartment. Neither friend was armed at the time, but the scum were and put their guns to my friend's heads. The odds are on your side in court if you decide to shoot someone that's robbing you. Most likely you'll see the weapon right away, but hey, you might not see it until it's used on you or your family or friends.
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A women that my wife works with went to a very nice restaurante with out of town friends. They were seated at a table with booths behind them. One of the ladies sat her purse on the floor next to her chair. When they had finished dinner and had gone up to the cashier to pay she found her wallet gone. By the time they called to cancel all the credit cards the theives had run up $18,000 in less than an hour. So you can't say they wont be used, because most likey they will. Ant they also had her ID's to use to get more cards with.
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When I first got my CHL, I bought a NAA Guardian that I kept in a wallet holster in my normal wallet position (right pocket). I've since learned to carry my real wallet in my left pocket. If asked for my wallet, I would reach for the right.
I think the key in this type of confrontation is creating space and alertness to opportunity.
I don't carry cash most of the time. I don't want to kill someone over nothing, but what is the value of standing up to criminals. The best crime prevention is citizens standing up and not taking it any longer.
I think the key in this type of confrontation is creating space and alertness to opportunity.
I don't carry cash most of the time. I don't want to kill someone over nothing, but what is the value of standing up to criminals. The best crime prevention is citizens standing up and not taking it any longer.
After living just outside of Trenton, NJ for 5 years during my teen years I learned the value of situational awareness real quick - after being jumped you tend to pay more attention to your surroundings. I also learned the value of standing up to your attacker(s) - they view backing down as a sign of weakness which only serves to embolden them further."Don't go stupid places, don't associate with stupid people, and don't do stupid things" and in all likelihood you won't ever have to defend yourself. Don't look like a victim - keep your head up, walk confidently, look around and keep track of who is near you or watching you, don't avoid eye contact. If you don't look like prey, then predators will pass on you and look for someone else.
I am 99% certain I will never find myself in a situation where someone demands my wallet. The other 1% of the time the situation is going to be so bad I better have both guns blazing or Im toast.
Thats my story and Im sticking with it

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From time to time depending where I was, I carried a "throw away wallet". Keep a wallet with $10-$15 in ones and fives, some of those "pre approved" credit cards that look real at a glance, but are worth nothing, and a couple of business cards and pictures. Keep your real valuables in your sock. When they ask for your wallet--pull it out, open it, and toss it at a 45 degree angle to your left (if you're right handed--vice versa if you're a lefty) just past the robber. Thier attention will divert to that and give you just enough time to react ie; run, draw, or use force on them. Personally, I would not give them my real wallet and then stand there at thier mercy hoping they don't go any further.
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