The perfect "truck gun"

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Scott in Houston »

maverick2076 wrote: Kel-tec Sub2000 carbine.
This is mine.

I like it because if I'm not able to leave in the vehicle, it's easy to take with me as it fits in a backpack or computer bag.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Excaliber wrote:In the typical truck gun role, it is extremely unlikely that many rounds of rapid fire would be needed.

A standard lever action 30-30 with a 16 inch barrel makes a very fine gun for that role with a much better price point.
I agree, although make mine an 18” barrel. Almost anything that is relatively light and relatively powerful will suffice, which is why the AR15 is so popular. But, to my mind, a truck gun should have a shoulder stock. You’re not just carrying a handgun (which in theory, you already have on your person), you’re carrying a long gun, with better range, more power, a longer sight radius, etc. If you think about how may of our fathers brought Garands home from the war, but still persisted in using a lever action rifle, or a M1 carbine as a truck gun, you’ll begin to get the idea. It’s one reason why the Ruger Mini-14 was such a popular truck gun......small, light, accurate enough, and better than any pistol.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by pbwalker »

I agree with the "there's no one perfect truck gun" because of too many variables. That being said though, I will say the CZ Scorp Evo 3 S1, with a side folding stock, would be my go to. You can maneuver in tight quarters without the stock (at least I can in my Sequoia), and if you need to egress, you can then unfold and shoulder.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Captain Matt »

One size fits all, if you use a big enough hammer. :mrgreen:

What's the problem you're trying to solve that calls for more than your EDC? Is a coyote nosing around your chicken coop? Are you opportunistically harvesting game? Is there an antifa mob between you and home? Did the balloon go up and you need to bug out without going home first?
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Captain Matt wrote:Did the balloon go up and you need to bug out without going home first?
The balloon goes up, I’m going home first. I HAVE to. I’m a husband, father, and grandfather, and we’re under one roof. I have responsibiliities, and I’m not going to abandon my family.

Now, maybe after I get home and we get things sorted out, maybe bugging out becomes the best option. But my primary tactic is to already be relocated before the balloon goes up. That won’t stop it from going up, but it will give me a lot more options, and as importantly, it will give me time in which to make decisions. Some day that will be possible. AT the moment, it isn’t; so we have to survive in place as long as we can.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by locke_n_load »

jailbird wrote:I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
Definitely would not leave any NFA gun in the truck permanently, especially a two stamp gun...
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by The Annoyed Man »

locke_n_load wrote:
jailbird wrote:I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
Definitely would not leave any NFA gun in the truck permanently, especially a two stamp gun...
I kind of feel the same way. I have a 2-stamp gun for home defense, and several 1-stamp items, and while I do transport them to shooting ranges and home again, I don’t keep any of them in my vehicle as part of a “truck gun” setup. In fact, if I decide to make my 20” A4 into my truck gun, I’ll just leave the original A2 flash hider on it.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by pbwalker »

locke_n_load wrote:
jailbird wrote:I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
Definitely would not leave any NFA gun in the truck permanently, especially a two stamp gun...
:iagree: :iagree:
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by jailbird »

pbwalker wrote:
locke_n_load wrote:
jailbird wrote:I just figured I'd let everybody know what I decided to go for (in case anybody cares! :) ).

I really appreciated everybody's ideas and feedback. I was really much interested in mainly .300 BLK in a short rifle, preferably suppressed, since obviously I won't be able to grab for hearing protection in a hurry in my truck. So with those criteria in mind, I ended up going with: ... 7-lmt-lead

The dual suppressor + SBR NFA goodness will probably keep most people away from it, but in the end, I figured it was worth the headache.

Thanks again, everybody!
Definitely would not leave any NFA gun in the truck permanently, especially a two stamp gun...
:iagree: :iagree:
Oh I definitely agree too! :iagree: :iagree:

Usually if I’m out and around, it’s mainly either just picking up lunch to bring back home, or I’m going to/from my ranch/side business (FFL). If that’s the case, then I’ll have a place to secure it when I get there. It’ll also be handy in the UTV while checking fence line.

I’ll also agree with the suggestion above about the Mini-14! It’s a great little gun!

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by srothstein »

As an interesting side note on truck guns, I was looking at a new Ford F250 yesterday. When the salesman showed me the underseat storage area, he described it as the perfect place to store your truck gun so it doesn't rattle around loosely. I did not mention guns first, either. I thought it was humorous and did not tell him I used the console since I preferred a pistol. I just said I did miss carrying a rifle in a rack on the rear window.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Scott in Houston »

I know it's not ideal for all scenarios, but for many, there's the Ruger 10/22 Take Down.
I love mine, and it's so easy to assemble and dis-assemble for storage and easy hiding.

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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by pbwalker »

Scott in Houston wrote:I know it's not ideal for all scenarios, but for many, there's the Ruger 10/22 Take Down.
I love mine, and it's so easy to assemble and dis-assemble for storage and easy hiding.

I love my 10/22 Take Down. I just put a Magpul X-22 stock on it this weekend...anxious to see how it is to shoots. Everyone should own a 10/22. There needs to be a law about it. :lol:
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Liberty »

Love this thread. Everyone has their own ideas what is the perfect "truck gun" Hard to find fault with any of them.

Mine is my beat up old Ruger P95. Perfect for me. Quick access and the ability hit any reasonable threat. I would love to keep a rifle with me, but I cant figure out a way to securely mount it, and yet still have quick access when it's needed. Then again my 10 year old Nitro isn't much of a truck.
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by LeonCarr »

My truck gun is a Benelli Nova with ghost ring sights with 00 buckshot loaded and Brenneke slugs in a butt cuff.

IMO/IME none of the firearms mentioned in this thread so far will reliably stop a vehicle, which is my primary requirement for a truck gun.

Handguns, pistol caliber carbines, .223/5.56, .30 Carbine, .30-30, .300 BLK, etc. will penetrate windshields and autobody panels, but either the bullets disintergrate during penetration, don't have a whole lot of retained energy left after penetration, or use round nose bullets that have an increased chance of ricochet and deflection. The hard cast, square shouldered Brenneke Slug does a better job of penetrating car parts with less chance of ricochet or disintergration. An African Big Game Rifle in the .375 to .458 range would be another good choice for a truck gun, but they are expensive to purchase and to shoot, have a smaller magazine capacity, and have a much slower rate of fire than a pump or semiauto shotgun.

Just my .02,
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Re: The perfect "truck gun"


Post by Bitter Clinger »

Thinking about one of these. When carrying and out of vehicle, no risk with just leaving the Roni frame in the vehicle:
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