Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
A DAK trigger is next on my list of guns I'd like to get.
I have a full-size and a subcompact P320 - long story - and I find them curiously nice. Based on a general description of the gun, I'd have to say they are grand arguments for carrying a cocked and locked 1911. But when I actually shoot them, the rounds go right where they should.
Zero safeties makes me consider the guns require a higher level of care - but I don't handle any gun without safety rules intact.
The most comfortable, most invisible gun I've got is a Kahr PM9, and it also hits what I point it at. It's nice to have the P320 subcompact's 13 rounds on tap, though. Makes me feel so non-Californian. :-)
I have a full-size and a subcompact P320 - long story - and I find them curiously nice. Based on a general description of the gun, I'd have to say they are grand arguments for carrying a cocked and locked 1911. But when I actually shoot them, the rounds go right where they should.
Zero safeties makes me consider the guns require a higher level of care - but I don't handle any gun without safety rules intact.
The most comfortable, most invisible gun I've got is a Kahr PM9, and it also hits what I point it at. It's nice to have the P320 subcompact's 13 rounds on tap, though. Makes me feel so non-Californian. :-)
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
Thanks for the advice - I rented a P229 at a range and shot a couple boxes of ammo through it - my wife has and carries a Sig P320 Carry, It was very accurate I shot it better than my M&P45 which is not easy to do - I have in the past really loved and carried an M9 Beretta (but in a moment of weakness traded it for FAIR 500 in 16 ga) I still have about 10 magazines for it and the holsters equipment - it is actually the best 9 mm gun I have personally shot (accuracy wise) for me - but it is a chunk and at my age my I can't hold that gun up on my waist where it should be anymore.
I limit my shooting to about 200 rds a month in 45 acp because of cost - if I had unlimited resources I would shoot that many every week. There are leanings towards an M&P9 because of the familiarity I have with the weapon - However, the trigger absolutely sucks. Yes, I know I can put an APEX in both guns and I may - but it would require me altering the weapon as designed and could (maybe be okay) open me up to liability or void the warranties.
I limit my shooting to about 200 rds a month in 45 acp because of cost - if I had unlimited resources I would shoot that many every week. There are leanings towards an M&P9 because of the familiarity I have with the weapon - However, the trigger absolutely sucks. Yes, I know I can put an APEX in both guns and I may - but it would require me altering the weapon as designed and could (maybe be okay) open me up to liability or void the warranties.
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
I went through the same thought process, as I had an M&P Shield and was looking for larger gun. I ended up getting a Gen 4 G19, and I have not regretted it for a second. It's a great gun, and mags and accessories are plentiful. I still think it's an ugly gun, but I didn't buy it to look pretty. Price and availability of ammo was definitely a factor in my decision as well.KHickam wrote: There are leanings towards an M&P9 because of the familiarity I have with the weapon - However, the trigger absolutely sucks. Yes, I know I can put an APEX in both guns and I may - but it would require me altering the weapon as designed and could (maybe be okay) open me up to liability or void the warranties.
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
Well, you're not going to go wrong with any of the guns on your short list. Personally, I would like to add the Sig 320 to my collection. One of my pals started carrying a 320 as his duty gun a couple of years ago and he loves it. On the other hand, the Glock 19 is a lot lighter, and in the real world of LTC, a few ounces less tugging at your belt all day is a nice thing.
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
If you work on your gun at all, especially by installing a "hair trigger" and modified barrel it will come back to be used against you by a crusading DA, if you ever have to use it in self defense. This is common Internet knowledge. Just ask any gun shop employee or off duty cop. 

4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"
Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
You would be much better served by investing the money you would be spending on a new gun into reloading equipment and supplies. This would enable you to shoot the 200 rounds per week instead of per month. Combination of dry fire and live fire practice will trump any perceived advantage of the better triggers/guns etc.KHickam wrote:
I limit my shooting to about 200 rds a month in 45 acp because of cost - if I had unlimited resources I would shoot that many every week.
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
I'm near you in Houston / Katy. What ranges around here restrict reloaded ammo? The only restrictions I have seen are for aluminum / steel casings (common), and no magnums (MSC), plus no hollow points (I believe) at Top Gun.Skiprr wrote:It is reloaded, mixed-case ammunition, so some ranges won't let you shoot it even though it's commercial, not hand-loads.
Not to be obtuse, but how would the people running the range even know if you were firing reloads vs newly loaded ammo? I usually load my mags ahead of time and then put any extra ammo in a Crown Royal bag since it fits into my range bag easier than boxes. Maybe I am just blissfully ignorant since I shoot almost exclusively at Boyert.
Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
The Annoyed Man wrote:Glock 19........then invite your wife to join the dark side.

Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
I really like my P320 compact. Completely reliable through 1000 rounds so far. I also really like my M11A1, which is essentially a 9mm 229, with some extra features. Also completely reliable through 500 rounds so far. If they fit your hand, and you shoot them well, I don't think you could go wrong with either of those choices. Sounds like you already know the 320 works well for you. If you like carrying a striker fired pistol, it would be a good choice.
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
In the Houston area, one notable range that prohibits commercial reloads is Top Gun. See range rule #14 here: They don't have a restriction on hollow point ammo, but do on commercial reloads. Another that bans personal reloads (handloads) is High Noon Guns & Range in Crosby ( wrote:I'm near you in Houston / Katy. What ranges around here restrict reloaded ammo? The only restrictions I have seen are for aluminum / steel casings (common), and no magnums (MSC), plus no hollow points (I believe) at Top Gun.Skiprr wrote:It is reloaded, mixed-case ammunition, so some ranges won't let you shoot it even though it's commercial, not hand-loads.
Not to be obtuse, but how would the people running the range even know if you were firing reloads vs newly loaded ammo? I usually load my mags ahead of time and then put any extra ammo in a Crown Royal bag since it fits into my range bag easier than boxes. Maybe I am just blissfully ignorant since I shoot almost exclusively at Boyert.
There are a lot of ranges in the country, and about half as many different sets of rules. Other examples in the area include Athena Gun Club: you can shoot reloads in your own gun, but you have to sign a release of liability waiver first; can't shoot reloads of any kind in their rental guns. Another is Memorial Shooting Center: mandates you purchase their ammo if you rent a gun, prohibit hollow point, magnum rounds, or any bullets with exposed lead. A lot of ranges prohibit exposed-lead bullets, so while not limiting handloads, it does prevent folks from shooting bullets they cast.
Bringing your ammo already charged in mags also won't fly at some ranges. They want to see the ammo you're going to shoot, and some put a magnet to it to make certain there's no disguised steel in there. Bullet Trap in Plano is one of these, and they also don't allow you to shoot milsurp ammo.
I've also shot in several other states, as well. A few years ago, I visited a friend of mine in Clearwater, Florida, and we went to do some plinking. He told me he had seven ranges fairly close to him, but only two of them allowed reloaded ammo. We went to one of those two. Last time I was in California, we went to an indoor handgun-only range that mandated frangible ammo for any caliber larger than .25 ACP. That wasn't an outright reload restriction, but still. Also common in California is no gun rentals to individuals, only parties of two or more (evidently a suicide prevention measure). And there are ranges that won't let you pick up your own brass; won't let you shoot using your offhand only; won't let you load more than three rounds in any magazine; will let you use only targets you buy from them on that particular trip to their range; will let you use only ammo you purchase from them; won't let you take any headshots at any type of silhouette target (e.g., B-27, B-21, IDPA, USPSA)...or even use any target that even remotely resembles a person; mandate that you use a chamber flag when you place a gun on a bench or on a case, open and locked action is not enough; no FMJ rifle rounds of any caliber; no non-scoped rifles on the 100-yard line....
Maybe we need a Topic for the strangest or most unusual range rules we've seen.
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
Wow. Some of those restrictions are just crazy. I recognize some of the restrictions you listed, but a few of them are really over the top. I have seen the more common ones you listed, but never encountered anywhere that restricted loaded mags or loose ammo (or reloads). Needless to say, I have never set foot in a gun range that prohibited head shots. ASC wants you to take 2-3 seconds between shots, which is bad enough.Skiprr wrote:In the Houston area, one notable range that prohibits commercial reloads is Top Gun. See range rule #14 here: They don't have a restriction on hollow point ammo, but do on commercial reloads. Another that bans personal reloads (handloads) is High Noon Guns & Range in Crosby (
There are a lot of ranges in the country, and about half as many different sets of rules. Other examples in the area include Athena Gun Club: you can shoot reloads in your own gun, but you have to sign a release of liability waiver first; can't shoot reloads of any kind in their rental guns. Another is Memorial Shooting Center: mandates you purchase their ammo if you rent a gun, prohibit hollow point, magnum rounds, or any bullets with exposed lead. A lot of ranges prohibit exposed-lead bullets, so while not limiting handloads, it does prevent folks from shooting bullets they cast.
Bringing your ammo already charged in mags also won't fly at some ranges. They want to see the ammo you're going to shoot, and some put a magnet to it to make certain there's no disguised steel in there. Bullet Trap in Plano is one of these, and they also don't allow you to shoot milsurp ammo.
I've also shot in several other states, as well. A few years ago, I visited a friend of mine in Clearwater, Florida, and we went to do some plinking. He told me he had seven ranges fairly close to him, but only two of them allowed reloaded ammo. We went to one of those two. Last time I was in California, we went to an indoor handgun-only range that mandated frangible ammo for any caliber larger than .25 ACP. That wasn't an outright reload restriction, but still. Also common in California is no gun rentals to individuals, only parties of two or more (evidently a suicide prevention measure). And there are ranges that won't let you pick up your own brass; won't let you shoot using your offhand only; won't let you load more than three rounds in any magazine; will let you use only targets you buy from them on that particular trip to their range; will let you use only ammo you purchase from them; won't let you take any headshots at any type of silhouette target (e.g., B-27, B-21, IDPA, USPSA)...or even use any target that even remotely resembles a person; mandate that you use a chamber flag when you place a gun on a bench or on a case, open and locked action is not enough; no FMJ rifle rounds of any caliber; no non-scoped rifles on the 100-yard line....
Maybe we need a Topic for the strangest or most unusual range rules we've seen.
Just out of curiosity, is there a valid reason for ranges to ban steel and aluminum cases? I always assumed they were just being greedy and didn't want to sort the casings before they sent them in for cash. Is there an actual safety concern on these as well?
Reading your post makes me very glad that I bought my membership at Boyert. No crazy restrictions at either of their locations.
Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
Go with your gut and get the Beretta or Sig
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Re: Recommendations for combat pistol as well as a carry gun
I'm with ya... I was just making sure he had considered the press, since he said he loved his .45 and mentioned ammo cost as a driver. I recently took the plunge for the very same reason. Was going to buy a new 9mm but decided to get a 550 instead.AndyC wrote:Of course - but he really wants a new pistol (can we blame him?)flechero wrote:You can reload .45 cheaper than you can buy crappy 9mm ammo. The reloading press and equip will set you back less than the cost of the new gun you are contemplating. Just food for thought.