Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!

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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by Beiruty »

I do not know. If you do not try other options you would not notice any difference.

This time, I stopped by Academy and got



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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by Weg »

I use CRC Electric Contact cleaner for all gun related decreasing work, then CLP as a lubricant. For actual cleaning, as in removing fouling, I use Butch's Bore Shine. I use the electric contact cleaner in place of Gun Scrubber, just because it's cheaper, have used gunscrubber before and it is a good product.

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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by mrvmax »

Mike S wrote:MPro is an amazing cleaner, & I recently tried their lubricant as well and like it too. The cleaner is a surficant, & pretty much removes any carbon AND oil on the gun, but is mild on you & the gun. I have a big spray bottle of it, & use it sparingly (as in reserved for very gunky ARs after too much lube & shooting, without cleaning...) because it is pricey.

Complete disassembly shouldn't be an issue since the gunk will likely run out of the gun. Since it removes the oil from the gun you'd need to ensure that you re-lube it adequately, getting any parts not disassembled.
I would have to agree, I have purchased so many cleaners over the years just to compare them. Since I'm an FFL I get them wholesale so when I see something new I try it out. MPro7 is one of the best and its odor free. I still primarily use my favorite - 50/50 mix of Kroil and Hoppes but MPro7 is a clse second at cleaning out of everything I have tried.

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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by twomillenium »

Weg wrote:I use CRC Electric Contact cleaner for all gun related decreasing work, then CLP as a lubricant. For actual cleaning, as in removing fouling, I use Butch's Bore Shine. I use the electric contact cleaner in place of Gun Scrubber, just because it's cheaper, have used gunscrubber before and it is a good product.
I have not thought of that, I will have to compare the contract cleaner with gun scrubber. My sons gave me some Ballistol, recently for my B-day. When I saw how much Ballistol was, I wanted to put in the safe. (I guess Hickok45's endorsement has really raised the price) I realize it may have been 20 years since I last bought some.
Lots of good stuff out there, some not so good. These are the kind of products that I don't listen to salesmen/women as much as I do recommendations from users.
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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by Liberty »

Nobody's mentioned the homemade stuff "Reds Gun cleaner or something like that. Made with transmission fluid lanolin and a few other ingredients. Guess it doesn't come in a spray can.
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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

Liberty wrote:Nobody's mentioned the homemade stuff "Reds Gun cleaner or something like that. Made with transmission fluid lanolin and a few other ingredients. Guess it doesn't come in a spray can.
Ed's Red (as in C.E. "Ed" Harris who wrote articles for 'American Rifleman' magazine) is just one of many places his recipe can be found
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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by rotor »

I am no expert but do any of the commercial products not work? My guns always go bang no matter what I use and they all look good. Last thing I bought was Ballistol because Hickock45 said it was great. They all seem to do the job though.
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Re: Recommend A Good Cleaning Gun Spray!


Post by Beiruty »

The Barricade above smells good and it does evaporate.
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