Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry

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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by tlt »

Last edited by tlt on Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by oljames3 »

VoiceofReason wrote:Will retention holsters be required for concealed carry?

The law does not require ANY retention of ANY kind in ANY holsters for carrying either concealed or openly. :smile:

For a quick synopsis of requirements, see the Department of Public Safety page: ... lation.htm

For more detail, see: ... CHL-16.pdf

HB 910 requires "Training curriculum for new applicants will be updated to reflect the new training requirements related to the use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns."

Additionally, there is no industry standard or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard describing retention "levels".
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by LSUTiger »

kauboy wrote:I didn't see it mentioned, but I'll be picking up a Galco Fletch high rise.

I want OC to look as professional as possible, and warm brown leather almost fully enclosing the gun says "smart and professional" to me. I want to avoid "tacticool". That's not to say I don't have kydex holsters all over the place, I just don't think they make a good first impression to a public slowly getting used to seeing civilian carry. Just my opinion, carry what you're comfortable with.
If you like that one, look at this one also very similar, lets you adjust cant.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by RHenriksen »

VoiceofReason wrote:Will retention holsters be required for concealed carry?
Retention holsters are not required for either concealed carry *or* for open carry.

A retention holster is definitely a prudent thing to consider if open carrying - particularly in an urban area. But not mandatory by law.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by casp625 »

Quick question regarding the Safariland 6378...does anyone know if the ALS or integrity of the holster is compromised by removing the entire retention screw mechanism?
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by LSUTiger »

I'm thinking of the Safariland 7TS System.

Are any of you going to have a weapon mounted light for your OC gun? I have separate tac light that Im gonna carry so using the gun as a light is a non issue for me. I just want opinions before I order my holster with or with out room for a weapon mounted light.

And also any light recommendations? Im partial to Streamlight TLR-1s for affordability.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by tlt »

Excaliber wrote:Manufacturers have been busy churning out holsters with retention features that are suitable for concealed or open carry. Here are a few that may be of interest to some, particularly those who plan to start open carrying in January:
Excaliber wrote:
The thumb strap makes this a level 2 retention holster in the technical sense and it does help to keep the gun from falling out of the holster, but it does very little to inhibit an active gun grab attempt. Comp-Tac makes several models of very fine holsters too, but none of them are designed or advertised as retention holsters.

This thread was not intended to become a list of nice concealed carry holsters. It was to provide a resource for holsters with active retention mechanisms that are designed to delay or defeat a gun grab attempt, since that will be an increased hazard when open carry begins. In order to preserve this purpose, I ask that contributors only post additional models that meet the "active mechanism designed to delay or defeat a gun grab attempt" and that are advertised by the manufacturers as retention designs.

Thanks for your cooperation!
Missed the retention requirement in the OP, posts retracted.. :leaving

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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by NotRPB »

Again, thanks for this thread, I'd have never run across some of these without it.

just ordered: should be here before Christmas.

Level 3
For my Glocks
Desantis Quick SafeTM is a level III on-belt belt-slide holster
features twin Redi-LoksTM that can be lightning fast. The Quick SafeTM is constructed from heavy Kydex� sheet. The other parts are injection molded from a super strong glass-reinforced polymer making it nearly indestructible. Its ambidextrous design is adjustable for both angle (up to 30 degrees) and height. This holster performs especially well for women in its lowest position. The Quick SafeTM will accommodate belts up to 1 3/4" wide. Optional paddle mount is available

Level 2
These two level 2 holsters below snap around a belt so no need to remove belt from pants in car/parking lot. I'll keep in car for in case a place prohibits concealed but allows open carry ..........or, for boating on the lake, ... doing yard work out in the fields/pastures, etc.

Level 2

I got several of these two below in various sizes for:
J-Frame/Taurus 85 Ultralight revolver, Glocks, Taurus PT-58, PT-92/99, and some others.

Bianchi Accumold Holster 7506 Thumbsnap Belt Slide dual thumb snap or front strap closure. The dual snap web belt loops have firm action snaps and provide a convenient, quick release without removing the belt. Belt loops are up to 1.75 in. (45 mm) wide. ... 10743.html

Level 2

Bianchi 4584 Evader Belt Slide open top-with middle finger "dohickey" lock Auto Retention™ with FingerLok™ retention providing immediate security upon reholstering. Open top design attaches with two wraparound web straps with dual snaps that fit up to 1.75 in. (45 mm) belt widths. ... 10836.html

Beiruty wrote:Why do I need another holster? :totap: :totap:
Actually, my radar detector I bought 18 years ago died, I was on Amazon,com buying another and .... got carried away...also got a tactical flashlight, a laptop bag, and briefcase for the Keltec sub2000 and pearce grip magazine extensions and a door locking pole y'all mentioned in some thread here, and a dishwasher and ... more stuffs's almost Christmas time.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by Oldgringo »

I've not been paying close attention to the OC developments because I don't plan on making OC an everyday practice. My Don Hume belt holsters suit me fine for my CC. In the event that I may, just might, OC sometime, are there any specific holster requirements that I should be aware of?
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by WildBill »

Oldgringo wrote:I've not been paying close attention to the OC developments because I don't plan on making OC an everyday practice. My Don Hume belt holsters suit me fine for my CC. In the event that I may, just might, OC sometime, are there any specific holster requirements that I should be aware of?
Yes there are specific holster requirements - it must be a belt or shoulder holster.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by Oldgringo »

WildBill wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:I've not been paying close attention to the OC developments because I don't plan on making OC an everyday practice. My Don Hume belt holsters suit me fine for my CC. In the event that I may, just might, OC sometime, are there any specific holster requirements that I should be aware of?
Yes there are specific holster requirements - it must be a belt or shoulder holster.
Thank you. My holsters are all either belt or shoulder.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by Beiruty »

LSUTiger wrote:I'm thinking of the Safariland 7TS System.

Are any of you going to have a weapon mounted light for your OC gun? I have separate tac light that Im gonna carry so using the gun as a light is a non issue for me. I just want opinions before I order my holster with or with out room for a weapon mounted light.

And also any light recommendations? Im partial to Streamlight TLR-1s for affordability.
Both my carry P30 + TLR2-HL and PX4SC + TLR-3 ride in custom Kydex holsters
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by 4copas »

Any suggestions for Kahr PM45? I'm having a hard time finding them. Looking for something similar to the Safarilands that are listed on the links list.
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Re: Retention Holsters for Concealed or Open Carry


Post by CleverNickname »

4copas wrote:Any suggestions for Kahr PM45? I'm having a hard time finding them. Looking for something similar to the Safarilands that are listed on the links list.
Why would you OC a subcompact firearm? If you're not trying to conceal a firearm, then there's no advantage to a smaller gun.
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