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Suggestion - OP Original Poster indication
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:51 pm
by puma guy
Maybe already covered. Sometimes when a thread gets lots of replies it'would be nice to not have to go back to the OP. Would it be possible to somehow signify the original poster each time they rely or post in the thread? Maybe a colored text "OP"?
Re: Suggestion - OP Original Poster indication
Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:07 pm
by RoyGBiv
There's a really cool GreaseMonkey script that was done for a motorcycle forum. The script adds a check-box on the top of the page. When you check the box, every post in the thread is hidden except for posts from the OP.
Never thought something like that was needed here... but.. Just goes to show what's possible if you can write a little code.
The real headache is managing that script as the forum software revs.