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Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:43 am
by Charles L. Cotton
The TexasCHLforum is five years old today. Some of our senior members have heard this before, but I created the TexasCHLforum as a refugee camp for people fleeing one of the news groups. We wanted a place where we could discusses issues in a friendly and respectful atmosphere, without the ever-increasing hostility, profanity and personal attacks. We also wanted to strongly encourage women to get involved in shooting, with a special emphasis on self-defense. Another goal was to become a resource that parents would feel comfortable referring their kids to so they could learn about firearms and their safe usage. To this end, we initially didn't have any specific rules and lived by what came to be known as the "Ten Year Old Daughter Rule." The concept was simple, if you wouldn't want someone saying something in front of your 10 year old daughter, then don't post it on the Forum. This worked for a good while, but as we grew in numbers we had to adopt specific bright-line rules that also have worked well.

I expected we would top out around 200 members, but as others have noted we now have 6001 members on our fifth anniversary. Initially, I was the only moderator but as we grew, I was blessed with the best crew of Moderators a guy could want. They work tirelessly to maintain the "family" atmosphere we have enjoyed since the beginning of our online community. And you our members have made that job much easier than anyone could expect. I receive a lot of complements about the TexasCHLforum and I quickly respond by saying "all I did was install the software and hit the 'go' button. The members have made the Forum what it is today, not me."

As we go into the most important election and legislative session we will have for ten years (due to the national census and redistricting), I want you to know that I will continue my efforts to protect and promote the rights of gun owners and the TexasCHLforum will be a big part of that effort. It has proven to be an invaluable communication resource when we need to get the word out and issue calls-to-action.

On behalf of the Moderators and myself, I want to express our appreciation for your dedication to the TexasCHLforum and its mission.


Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:52 am
by hheremtp
Happy birthday to the forum! :thewave :party: :chldancing

And thanks to Mr. Cotton and all the mods for their hard work and dedication! :tiphat: :txflag:

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:49 pm
by mctowalot

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:11 pm
by joe817
Charles, I want to express my thanks to you and the Moderators for creating and sustaining not only a safe haven for those who wish to discuss CHL and gun related topics, without the name calling/bashing/insulting/profanity/behavior of other similar forums, but also an atmosphere of education, nourishing and awareness of our Second Amendment Rights.

I salute you, the Mods and all of the forum members for making this place what it has become. :patriot: :txflag:


Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:29 pm
by 92f-fan
Congratulations !!!

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:30 pm
by Oldgringo
Happy Birthday AND Merry Christmas !

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:46 pm
by carlson1
HAPPY Birthday! Thanks Mr. Cotton for all of your effort.

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:07 pm
by oilman
Happy birthday and thank you Mr. Cotton we really appreciate it! :thewave

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:08 pm
by surprise_i'm_armed
Thank you Charles, all the moderators, and the forum membership
for making the forum what it is.

We have everyone on here from newbies wondering when their plastic
will arrive to people who could field strip someone else's gun in the dark
and not have any pieces left over!!

With such a large number of gun enthusiasts here, there's almost always
someone who knows the answer to one's questions.

Merry Christmas to all!!


Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:19 pm
by 5thGenTexan
May there be many more and a toast to a great group of guys and gals with a common purpose to spread the RIGHT picture of the gun owning public. May we always bring our best to any discussion wheather it is is with those like minded or those that need educated as to what our rights are and what they REALLY mean to this great nation.

God bless each of you through this season of love.

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:32 pm
by Commander Cody
Add my thanks as well. The moderators and Mr. Cotton have done a great job and I'm sure they will continue to impress me. Thanks.

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:44 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I post more here than I do over at my own website. Charles and the crew must be doing something right. Happy birthday!

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:45 pm
by C-dub
Very cool. Happy Birthday everyone!

Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:57 pm
by USA1
:txflag: To TexasCHLforum !!! :txflag:

I share the same sentiments as everyone who has posted before me.

The only problem is with over 6000 members , we're gonna need a bigger birthday cake. ;-)


Re: Happy Birthday TexasCHLforum!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:20 pm
by MoJo
Congratulations Charles and Texas CHL Forum for five great years!!
:thumbsup: :thewave :party: :thewave :party: :thewave :thumbsup: