Here are the issues you folks have presented:
SQL Errors: This is the same problem we had with the database before the conversion. When I checked, the same table was corrupted, so I did the repair again. I hope this isn't going to be an on-going problem. Since it happed first with the long stable Version 2.0.22, I don't think it's a problem with Olympus. Also, it occurred sometime after about 5:30 AM today, which is after the automatic backup for the server. I don't see how a backup of all of the site, including the SQL database, could corrupt one table in the database, but the timing is curious. It's fixed now and I hope it stays that way, but please let me know if you still have trouble. I waiting to see if it happens again tomorrow morning after the server backup.
subSilver2 not available This was my fault. I installed it on, but forgot to do so here. It's now installed and you can get to it in your User Control Panel under Board Preferences.
Can't reach the forum using old links. This too was my fault. I forgot to change one setting after testing the board in a different directory. It's fixed now.
Firefox not opening links in a new tab. This is happening with me too and I have no idea why. This is a setting within Firefox, so I don't have a clue how Olympus can override that setting. I'll poke around on the phpBB website a little later and see if this is a reported issue. I want that feature back also.
Sorry for the problems folks, especially the ones I caused.
