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WTS - Houston - Primers and Powder

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:24 pm
by tarbe
I just bought my second very expensive rifle in just a month, so I need to generate some cash before the boss gets suspicious!

All powder is in un-opened containers which were always stored in my house.

Primers were purchased retail by me and always stored in the house.

I have enough extra of this stuff, that I can afford to move some along without jeopardizing my shooting.

All prices are for FTF deal anywhere between PSC (Pearland, TX) and Springfield, MO (including the US 59 and I-45/US75 corridors).

1. Federal 215 LR Mag: 4 cartons of 1,000 $35/1,000 SOLD
2. Tula Small Rifle: 2 cartons of 1,000 $25/1,000 SOLD
3. Wolf Small Rifle: 2 cartons of 1,000 $25/1,000 SOLD
4. IMR 7383: 2 7lb jugs $65/jug SOLD
5. MP 842: 2 8lb jugs $140/jug SOLD
6. Accurate Nitro 100NF: 1 8lb jug $125
7. Alliant Pro Reach: 1 8lb jug $140
8. Alliant 4000 MR: 1 8lb jug $165
9. Shooters World Clean Shot: 4 1lb cans $18/can

Time stamp on PM or post rules.

Thanks for looking,


Re: WTS - Houston - Primers and Powder

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:39 pm
by tarbe
The Tula and Wolf primers are sold!

Re: WTS - Houston - Primers and Powder

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 7:43 pm
by tarbe
Fed 215 are sold.

Re: WTS - Houston - Primers and Powder

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 8:34 am
by tarbe
IMR 7383 and MP842 are gone.

This is still available:

6. Accurate Nitro 100NF: 1 8lb jug $125
7. Alliant Pro Reach: 1 8lb jug $140
8. Alliant 4000 MR: 1 8lb jug $165
9. Shooters World Clean Shot: 4 1lb cans $18/can