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Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 3:38 pm
by skeathley
Hmmm. I an doing a Proficiency for an online student tomorrow, and just discovered that I cannot download the LTC-9 reporting form, presumably because I am not an online provider.

Can someone send me one?


Re: LTC-9

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 8:07 am
by kg5ie
skeathley wrote: Fri May 25, 2018 3:38 pm Hmmm. I an doing a Proficiency for an online student tomorrow, and just discovered that I cannot download the LTC-9 reporting form, presumably because I am not an online provider.

Can someone send me one?


Please post back what you find out. I am totally confused on how we complete and report on-line shooting qualification. I ask these exact same questions at renewal in Georgetown and was told we did not need access to the ltc-9.

Re: LTC-9

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:46 pm
by skeathley
RSD wrote back. The LTC-9 is actually for Online only. For those of us doing just the Proficiency, we still use the LTC-8, and write "Online" in the space for classroom. Easy, but unclear.


Re: LTC-9

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:54 pm
by switch
I just had my first student show up for proficiency after an online course.
He had the online equivalent of the LTC100. I could have filled out the bottom, just like I have down for other students when some other instructor taught the class. I chose to create my own LTC100, just left the top half blank and told him to submit both to DPS.
I prepared/submitted a regular LTC8 but only put an X in the proficiency column, I left eh class room column blank.
I did not mark either as/for ONLINE CLASS.

Re: LTC-9

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:30 pm
by skeathley
I think you are likely to get grief over that. Maybe not, but they want the LTC-101 form, filled out.

Re: LTC-9

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:00 am
by switch
The LTC101 is for online providers. I am not an online provider. Downloading it requires a password (I did not try the instructor password).

In the past, I've submitted LTC100's with just the proficiency when another instructor did the classroom. Never had a problem. If the student had the original LTC100, I'd fill out the proficiency portion by hand. Actually, this student had his LTC101 but since I was preparing an LTC8, I went ahead and printed the LTC100.

Re: LTC-9

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 3:03 pm
by switch
My student brought it back to me. DPS said I have to use the LTC101. The shooting proficiency instructor has to sign it twice, once attesting to a 1 to 2 hour gun safety instructions and once to certify the student successfully showed proficiency.