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June Initial Instructor Class...

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:39 pm
by GalaxyFE
So I have been plying with the idea of doing the CHL instructor thing and was wondering if anyone knows if there are slots still avaiable for the June class? I'd hate to send them money and then be denied...trying to get money back from the state is IMPOSSIBLE!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:44 pm
by Greybeard
I'm pretty certain they'll take and arrange for as many folks as they have apply and pass the background check. But, it seems like I read that apps had to be in 60 days in advance ... ?

I've had my app./prints/$ in to 'em now for a couple of weeks, waiting to hear back on dates for 1-day renewal skul ... At least you know from their web site what week to block out...