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Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:11 pm
by RPB
I think someone asked last month or so.
If I recall, ... Instructors won't allow it ... possibly an exception if a person has some visual impairment ... dunno
Personal experience:
I qualified with a Taurus PT92 with a laser mounted, outdoor range, daylight
I turned the red laser on, I couldn't see it on the target anyway, turned it off.
Had second best score using the standard sights anyway (wouldda been highest but [[ insert manly excuse here about lady shooting next to me a) making me nervous b) rapid firing c) throwing my timing off d) other....]] )
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:56 pm
by sjfcontrol
RPB wrote:I think someone asked last month or so.
If I recall, ... Instructors won't allow it ... possibly an exception if a person has some visual impairment ... dunno
Personal experience:
I qualified with a Taurus PT92 with a laser mounted, outdoor range, daylight
I turned the red laser on, I couldn't see it on the target anyway, turned it off.
Had second best score using the standard sights anyway (wouldda been highest but [[ insert manly excuse here about lady shooting next to me a) making me nervous b) rapid firing c) throwing my timing off d) other....]] )
I'm sure one of her rounds MUST have hit your target!

Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:45 pm
by lou
superchief wrote:I am sure it has been covered here, but here goes:
Can a student go through qual using a laser?
My instructor said iron sights only. No scopes or electronic sights.
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:30 pm
by Liberty
I can't find the relevant law that prohibits using laser sights or scopes. Is this restriction imposed by the DPS, or the individual instructer.
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:34 pm
by philip964
My memory was the test was pretty easy, don't think you really need any "aids" to pass. Only thing I remember that is important is you need to take it with a Semi Automatic so you get credit for it and a revolver at the same time.
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:57 pm
by MasterOfNone
37 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 6:
Rule 6.11(a) wrote:The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications...
Rule 6.73 wrote:...No optical enhancers will be allowed.
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 pm
by Liberty
MasterOfNone wrote:37 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 6:
Rule 6.11(a) wrote:The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications...
Rule 6.73 wrote:...No optical enhancers will be allowed.
I assume these are rules that were written by DPS not by our legislature nor approved by our governor.
Is there a web site where I can get a copy of these rules? I maintain an informal site that lists most of the applicable laws. Some might find this useful.
Edit.Google is our friend: ... &pt=1&ch=6" onclick=";return false;
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:54 am
by TexasGal
So, does a fiber optic sight come under "enhanced optics" for the instructor's test then?
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:41 am
by punkndisorderly
When was the section about optical enhancers added? I know i've seen people qualify with them under another instructor.
I also seem to remember somewhere hearing scopes were no-go's but lasers weren't.
I'll try to remember to email dps for clarification.
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:04 am
by MasterOfNone
Liberty wrote:MasterOfNone wrote:37 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 6:
Rule 6.11(a) wrote:The proficiency demonstration course will be the same for both instructors and license applications...
Rule 6.73 wrote:...No optical enhancers will be allowed.
I assume these are rules that were written by DPS not by our legislature nor approved by our governor.
Is there a web site where I can get a copy of these rules? I maintain an informal site that lists most of the applicable laws. Some might find this useful.
Edit.Google is our friend: ... &pt=1&ch=6" onclick=";return false;
From a layman's read of the Government Code 2001 ( ... V.2001.htm), it seems you are correct that these rules are written by DPS and are not "approved" by the Governor. However, DPS is required to provide any proposed rule to the legislature and the Lt. Governor for review and comment.
GC 2001.032 wrote:Sec. 2001.032. LEGISLATIVE REVIEW. (a) Each house of the legislature by rule shall establish a process under which the presiding officer of each house refers each proposed state agency rule to the appropriate standing committee for review before the rule is adopted.
(b) A state agency shall deliver to the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives a copy of the notice of a proposed rule when the agency files notice with the secretary of state under Section 2001.023.
(c) On the vote of a majority of its members, a standing committee may send to a state agency a statement supporting or opposing adoption of a proposed rule.
DPS can still adopt a rule regardless of the comments received. But in adopting the rule, DPS must demonstrate the statutory authority for that rule (GC 2001.033(a)(2)). Since the legislature can change that statutory authorization, it appears to give them a form of overruling power anyway.
In the particular case of the rules governing the proficiency demonstration, the statutory authority comes from GC 411.188(a):
GC 411.188(a) wrote:The director by rule shall establish minimum standards for handgun proficiency and shall develop a course to teach handgun proficiency and examinations to measure handgun proficiency...
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:15 am
by thatguy
We were told by DPS in our instructors course that lasers where not allowed and so far I have not seen one student fail because they could not use their laser sight, on the contrary most shooters seem to do better without them.

Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:01 pm
by speakEasy
Laser is a gimmick, yea it works but should not be relied upon over iron sights. You don't see them on successful competitive pistol shooters' weapons for a reason...
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:11 am
by Munson
You don't see them in competition because they are not allowed. I used to think like you, and I still only run irons, but they do give the shooter a huge advantage. Get a set, do some serious training with them for a month, and you too will be a believer.
Re: Qualifying with laser
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:51 am
by Wes
punkndisorderly wrote:I know i've seen people qualify with them under another instructor.
ive also known people to take their 10 hour class in less than 8, but alas, that is how it goes sometimes as not everyone follows the rules to the strictist