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for those at most recent instructor class ....

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:02 pm
by A-R
Is it OK to bring in a laptop? Or do instructors frown on that (potential distraction). Is there WiFi available at the new location - Georgetown Chamber?

Will likely have work to do (clients want me to actually buy and sell houses that week :grumble ... :lol: ) .... but of course will also be peaking at :thumbs2:

If not, I guess I can just check email on my iPhone. But if WiFi is available might bring my laptop to use on breaks etc.

Re: for those at most recent instructor class ....

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:06 pm
by longtooth
They asked several in our class to put theirs up.
OK during break times.

Re: for those at most recent instructor class ....

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:02 am
by texasjeep44
Yep, they want you to pay attention during the class, but don't mind if you get on your laptop or phone during the breaks or lunch.

One thing I will caution is that there aren't many plugs to charge the computers, and there were several laying on the floor where people had to walk. I would not have been so trusting for people to see it an avoid stepping on it.

Good luck.

Re: for those at most recent instructor class ....

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:10 pm
by texas1234
Yes if it is at the Chamber in Georgtown they have hi speed Wi-Fi. It worked great last week. I checked e-mail, etc during breaks.