howdy wrote:I just got the email too. I signed up for the Houston, October 22 class. (I live in west Houston) This just proves that DPS likes the Texans better than the Cowboys.

Moderators: carlson1, Crossfire
howdy wrote:I just got the email too. I signed up for the Houston, October 22 class. (I live in west Houston) This just proves that DPS likes the Texans better than the Cowboys.
You could see that coming too?MasterOfNone wrote:I just hope the next mail doesn't say "Unfortunately we are unable to provide classes in DFW. And the only seats left now are in El Paso."
If the Georgetown class included qualification at the Florence range I would sign up for it right now. Waiting on DFW info.Crossfire wrote:You could see that coming too?MasterOfNone wrote:I just hope the next mail doesn't say "Unfortunately we are unable to provide classes in DFW. And the only seats left now are in El Paso."
I haven't received this latest email yet. I did get the "you'll be getting another email next week" message two weeks ago, but not this one. DFW is closer to me, but December would really be pushing it, wouldn't it?superchief wrote:I got the email on Saturday night at 8pm ... ...It looks like DFW won't be until December?
Sorry, I forgot the sarcasm smiley.switch wrote:DPS said the instructors will not be shooting at the DPS range when they renew.
As I recall, at least for NEW instructors, the background check remains under review until the certificate is actually issued (or at least until the class is taken, as shooting is separate from the class, now).dogflight wrote:So, those of you who have received the instructor renewal class invitation, is your status on the DPS website complete except for the training? Mine still shows "Background Check: Under Review". I'm curious if they are using that as a toggle for when the email goes out. Since I paid in January, submitted paperwork in May, it's highly unlikely that there is truly anything in "review". Unless they simply have not submitted it yet.