640x480 and 800x600 are good pic sizes for the web. I believe the average monitors default resolution is 1024x768 these days so you definitely want the pics to be smaller to avoid making people scroll sideways.
I am scared of empty guns and keep mine loaded at all times. The family knows the guns are loaded and treats them with respect. Loaded guns cause few accidents; empty guns kill people every year. -Elmer Keith. 1961
Oops, had it sized to 8"x6", changed that to 640x480 pixels and that made it bigger! Did ya'll have to scroll across the screen to see all of the first image? Guess my monitors big or something, it fit in the screen very well.
Guess my monitor's set up different or something, all of the previous pics posted great within the screen without having to scroll, and the last two larger images, even look to be the same size. What are ya'll seeing on your monitor?
Running 1024x768. The first photo is sized in inches using Lexmark Photo Editor. The second I sized in pixels (as stated) and the third I don't really remember. The second and third pics are larger than the first, just can't figure why the first is coming across too large on other's monitors. Ideas?
PS - The Lexmark program converts inches to pixels, and 8" x 6" converts to 504x377 pixels. ??
I think maybe my last post wasn't clear. 1024x768 is average monitor resolution. 800x600 and 640x480 are much smaller than 1024x768 and should allow most viewers to see good quality pics and not have to scroll sideways. If you made the pics 1600x900 they'd be GIANT on most screens and the majority of folks would have to scroll sideways to see it all.
The first pic you posted is a good size at 576x431 but you can get away with a bit larger.
Does that make sense?
I am scared of empty guns and keep mine loaded at all times. The family knows the guns are loaded and treats them with respect. Loaded guns cause few accidents; empty guns kill people every year. -Elmer Keith. 1961
Ah-ha, now it does make sense. I thought ya'll were having to scroll your screen across on the first picture, maybe that's why I let myself get confused. Gotcha, thanks all.