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Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:40 pm
by Sparky3131
Hog hunting this Saturday on my family's land, we were policing up the hogs we'd shot when the local game warden pulled up, after hearing some shots to check our kills( there's been some poaching in the area so they're pretty thick through our parts). I had my Rock River Arms AR .308 slung With a single point and open carrying my Beretta 96A1. He was quick, showed up, checked our kills, (13 hogs between 3 people) and was on his way. Very polite and professional.
Pretty much what I've come to expect from our Texas game wardens. :txflag:

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:15 pm
by n5wd
Sparky3131 wrote: He was quick, showed up, checked our kills, (13 hogs between 3 people) and was on his way. Very polite and professional.
In this case, what do you mean "check your kills"? Making sure they were all hogs?

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:24 pm
by Sparky3131
n5wd wrote:
Sparky3131 wrote: He was quick, showed up, checked our kills, (13 hogs between 3 people) and was on his way. Very polite and professional.
In this case, what do you mean "check your kills"? Making sure they were all hogs?

Yes. According to him they've had quite a few people taking deer with rifles during bow season

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:24 pm
by nightmare69
We have a game warden that has hunted on my family's land for the past few years. He says he is always smiling and nice to people who are armed.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:56 pm
by MoJo
Enforcing game laws is one of the most dangerous if not the most dangerous job in law enforcement. At one time more game wardens per capita were killed and assaulted than any other group of LEOs. I don't blame them for being friendly and courteous. :tiphat:

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:02 pm
by Commander Cody
nightmare69 wrote:He says he is always smiling and nice to people who are armed.

As am I.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:21 pm
by Texas_Blaze
Game warden can enter your private property?

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:26 pm
by bizarrenormality
Texas_Blaze wrote:Game warden can enter your private property?
Yes. They are peace officers and trespass laws don't apply to peace officers in Texas, even when they're on vacation.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 8:17 am
by Abraham
My experience with Texas Game Wardens has always been good - friendly and pleasant.

Federal Game Wardens - arrogant and extremely unpleasant even though no laws were broken while those I was hunting with and myself were friendly and pleasant in our demeanor toward them.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:39 pm
by garodrig1
bizarrenormality wrote:
Texas_Blaze wrote:Game warden can enter your private property?
Yes. They are peace officers and trespass laws don't apply to peace officers in Texas, even when they're on vacation.

I am not certain on that, but correct me if I am wrong.

I think that peace officers can be on private property if they have a right to be there, such as in the OP's case (warden investigating). If a peace officer does not have the right to be on private property (ie not an official duty or investigation) then they must respect private property.

So I don't think that peace officers have an ability to trespass at will and definitely not while "on vacation", without some right to be there.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:10 pm
by tamc
I do think there is a difference between a game warden and a LEO. The former does not need probable cause to enter, but the latter does. I cannot recall the statute and perhaps it is hearsay -
I was always taught the most underpaid, but powerful person was the game warden.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 10:54 pm
by rotor
Sparky... you lucky guy. Wish I had the place to hog hunt locally.

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:24 am
by anygunanywhere
tamc wrote:I do think there is a difference between a game warden and a LEO. The former does not need probable cause to enter, but the latter does. I cannot recall the statute and perhaps it is hearsay -
I was always taught the most underpaid, but powerful person was the game warden.
If the game warden suspects activities related to hunting, fishing, or othyer laws regarding wildlife are or have been going on it is probable cause for them to enter. Hearing gunshots is probable cause.


Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:41 am
by nightmare69
What about your house, can they forcefully enter your home without a warrant?

Re: Game warden Brazoria County

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:02 am
by anygunanywhere
nightmare69 wrote:What about your house, can they forcefully enter your home without a warrant?
Define forcefully.

I am certain we can discuss lots of scenarios and make grand suppositions on what the wardens can or can't do and throw in all sorts of 4A claims.

Let's just say that if you are out actively pursuing fish or game or if a warden sees something on your property like a steaming gut pile then he has probable cause.

I have been checked by wardens many times and in each and every case they were within their bounds to do so. In all of the times I have been checked I have never been tagged by any of them for breaking any laws.

Pretty simple. Obey the laws and you will be fine.Break the laws and you will get caught and pay the price. Isn't this what we strive to do here with concealed carry and our 2A rights?
