A nice chat with a HPD Sargent

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by Gunner4640 »

had a nice chat with a Houston Police sarg. I asked him what his thoughts were on CHL holders. He reply was the department is all for it and he was glad that there are armed citizens out there who have taken the class and passed the bg checks etc. He had 2 concerns
1. When the chl holder leaves his gun in the car and the wife is stopped and reaches for the insurance and discovers the gun in the consol and pulls it out. He said this has happened to him a few times over the years ie... that concerns him. 2.The other is when a chl holders shows up at his station and pulls out the gun to place it in the lock box, he said his desk officers don't like that, so this station installed bullet proof glass but left a 2 foot unprotected area at the top. His commet was "some looser could throw a bomb over the glass". He was very informitive and explained other laws in the city. It was a great chat. I thought I would share this. I do't know if its posted before or not. :txflag:
Last edited by Gunner4640 on Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by Shoot Straight »

Gunner4640 wrote:The other is when a chl holders shows up at his station and pulls out the gun to place it in the lock box, he said his desk officers don't like that, so this station installed bullet proof glass but left a 2 foot unprotected area at the top. His commet was "some looser could throw a bomb over the glass".
They usually strap it to themselves so they can detonate it after they're past the glass or other impediments.
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Re: A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by VMI77 »

Gunner4640 wrote:2.The other is when a chl holders shows up at his station and pulls out the gun to place it in the lock box, he said his desk officers don't like that, so this station installed bullet proof glass but left a 2 foot unprotected area at the top. His commet was "some looser could throw a bomb over the glass". He was very informitive and explained other laws in the city. It was a great chat. I thought I would share this. I do't know if its posted before or not. :txflag:
I thought you couldn't enter a police station with a handgun.
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Re: A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by philip964 »

Gunner4640 wrote:The other is when a chl holders shows up at his station and pulls out the gun to place it in the lock box, he said his desk officers don't like that, so this station installed bullet proof glass but left a 2 foot unprotected area at the top. His commet was "some looser could throw a bomb over the glass". :txflag:
Bullet resistant glass. What is always interesting is the material below and to the sides of the bullet resistant glass. Most often it is particle board or sheetrock with some formica on it. That is except at one place I can't talk about. Everything solid has this 3/4 inch thick woven board behind it. http://www.glasforms.com/products/ballistic.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Re: A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by Pacifist »

Those are both quite valid concerns as the rates of LEOs being shot by wives of CHL-holding husbands, and that of LEOs being gunned down by out-of-control CHL holders entering police stations, is borderline out of control. I'm surprised he's able to sleep at night.


Re: A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by bizarrenormality »

Pacifist wrote:I'm surprised he's able to sleep at night.
I bet dreams of a fat pension helps.

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Re: A nice chat with a HPD Sargent


Post by Dave2 »

philip964 wrote:Bullet resistant glass. What is always interesting is the material below and to the sides of the bullet resistant glass. Most often it is particle board or sheetrock with some formica on it.
Yeah, I've been wondering when people will start noticing that.
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