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Interesting contact today

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:04 pm
by RottenApple
Collin County Constable pulled up to a neighbor's house while I was working in my garage. He was serving divorce papers to the guy who lives (lived?) there and they weren't home. I hollered over to him that there's usually no one there till late in the evening. So he came over to talk. Before he stepped into my yard I held my hands to where they were in plain sight, turned to the side so he could see my gun (I wasn't wearing a cover garment since I was working in my own garage), and informed him that I was armed. He was as calm and cool as can be. We talked about the neighbor a bit and then he asked if that was a Kimber I was carrying and if I had gotten my CHL yet. Obviously I told him I had. He informed me that he encourages everyone he meets to get their CHL because they (the cops) just can't be there to protect everyone when something bad happens.

All in all Constable Edwards was a great guy and I was very pleased to make his acquaintance.

Re: Interesting contact today

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:29 pm
by Kadelic
Nice. Seems like this kind of interaction between LEO and folks in the neighborhood should be this way by default. We're all on the same side after all, aren't we?

Re: Interesting contact today

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:31 pm
by RoyGBiv

Re: Interesting contact today

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:30 am
by johnson0317
Glad it went well. Some constables are a bit short on training and experience, so it sounds like you handled it just right.