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A little bit undressed?
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:50 pm
by bilgerat57
Some years ago I was working at the county jail. We had a couple of DPS troopers who worked out of the facility as well. One of them (I'll call him Rick) was particularly known for being a real go-getter. As I was leaving the jail early in the morning after a long shift, 'Rick' zooms into the parking lot in his cruiser, leaps out and bounces towards the door. I said good morning and asked him if he was ready for another great day? Oh yeah! he boomed. I'm all over them bad guys today! I just looked at him and asked, "Don't you think you should finish dressing first?" He stopped dead in his tracks, looked down, and realized he had forgotten his duty belt. No gun, no cuffs, no nothing. He left the parking lot a bit faster than he arrived. I never said anything to anyone else about that, but it was quite a while before he didn't turn red when ever we met......
Re: A little bit undressed?
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:00 pm
by speedsix busy night while a training officer...I left the station with my rookie after about the third booking of the about a mile away, and it hit me...all I had in my holster was the key to the gunlocker...I mumbled something unpostable and turned rookie thought he had me till I pulled my Combat Commander from my shoulder holster...he REALLY settled down when I pulled my M60 2" from my boot holster...and got plumb humble when I asked him where he carried HIS backup...but he knew I was face weren't no yellow was full red!!!
Re: A little bit undressed?
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 3:41 pm
by HighVelocity
I was in a retail store recently when two uniformed officers showed up to take a shoplifter into custody. As they passed me, I noticed one of them had no magazine in his duty gun. I caught up to him, asked him for a moment of his time and politely informed him of my observation. The look on his face was exactly what you'd expect. He thanked me, fixed it and went on his way.
Re: A little bit undressed?
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:33 pm
by Thomas
HighVelocity wrote:I was in a retail store recently when two uniformed officers showed up to take a shoplifter into custody. As they passed me, I noticed one of them had no magazine in his duty gun. I caught up to him, asked him for a moment of his time and politely informed him of my observation. The look on his face was exactly what you'd expect. He thanked me, fixed it and went on his way.
This one made me laugh the most. Good catch HighVelocity
Re: A little bit undressed?
Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:35 pm
by speedsix
...he probably hoped it had fallen out in his patrol car...instead of at his girlfriend's place...
Re: A little bit undressed?
Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:31 pm
by alvins
i was watching cops once and this officer had his 1911 pointed at the guy while he was being arrested. you could see the hammer down on his gun.didnt know those 1911 were double actions...