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First armed encounter

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:45 pm
by aaronspuler
Had my first armed encounter with law enforcement last night. Well, my first armed encounter with on-duty law enforcement anyway. My neighbor is a detective for the local police department, and I talk to him while armed all the time but I don't think that counts. Strangely it didn't feel weird or anything to talk to a police officer while carrying a gun.

I had a bit of a scare at dinner... my one year old son likes to just keep shoving food in his mouth and did so last night. Must have inhaled some partially chewed food and started choking on it. We could tell it wasn't the usual 'cough and be fine' type of choke. He was coughing a good bit and turning red in the face and whatnot. We had to pull him out of his high chair. My wife stuck her finger in his mouth and flung some of the food out and I was patting him on the back to help him cough the food out. He was still coughing really good at this time. She got freaked out and called 911 then about 5 seconds later he coughed out the food. Gave us a hell of an adrenaline hit there, I tell you what. So we had to call back to 911 and tell them it was all ok, but they still sent a cop out to the house just to make sure (procedure, I'm told).

Re: First armed encounter

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:49 pm
yes that is procedure.

That is one heck of a scare. Might I suggest that you limit the amount of food on his plate. Wait til he eats what he has and then put some more on there for him. This should limit the amount he is able to shove in there.

Re: First armed encounter

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:23 pm
by shortysboy09
Wow, very scary sounding encounter with your son choking. Glad that he got the food out of his throat. So, did the officer ask you present ID or ask if you were armed?

Re: First armed encounter

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:33 pm
by aaronspuler
Yep, we're putting less on his plate now and monitoring him closely. So far so good. The officer didn't even ask to see ID or if I was armed or anything. Guess that settles the question on if I'm printing or not.

Re: First armed encounter

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:38 pm
by MojoTexas
I'm glad your son is okay!

Re: First armed encounter

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:25 pm
by mctowalot
As the father of two little one's myself, just reading your post got my heart rate up. Kudos to both you and yours for thinking clearly even though you were were "freaking out"! :clapping:

We are so glad everything worked out ok.
Before he passed one of my Grandfathers told me, "your not just parents now - your also your children's body guards". Keep up the good work.