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Good LEO contact for bad reason....

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:41 pm
by rdw
Had an unexpected LEO contact w/ Baytown PD this weekend.
My friend (fellow CHL holder) and I went to Baytown from Dallas this weekend to pick up his father's '69 Corvette (another story). We ate breakfast at the Cracker Barrel on I-10 and Garth Rd, and while inside, my truck was broken into and my laptop was stolen (from behind the back seat) and my GP100 and my friends Kel-tec p-32 were stolen from the center console. :mad5 Crazy. Left my GPS, his suitcase, CD's, etc. Anyway, called PD, officer came out, very helpful and courteous. Checked ID's, never asked if we were armed (we were). Ended up crawling under the 'Vette on the trailer. So, bum deal for us, but a good contact nonetheless.

Houston area folks, keep your eye out for a screaming deal on a 4" stainless GP100 or P-32!

Re: Good LEO contact for bad reason....

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:07 pm
by InfoTechCHL2007
Sorry you lost valuable items, but the LEO contact does sound positive regardless. He certainly didn't freak out upon seeing your CHL.

Re: Good LEO contact for bad reason....

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:11 pm
by funkybassplayer
I own't go to Cracker Barrel anymore for this reason. On Dec 26, 1996. My paren'ts and i were on our way back to TX from Alabama and we stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Meridian, Missippi for lunch. Being that this was the day after Christmas, the car was heavily laden with gifts and suitcases and the like. After a nice lunch we returned to find that EVERYTHING, bags, pillows, presents, snack box, my guitar, my moms irreplacable jewlery, etc, EVERYTHING was gone! the cops came andtold us that the jewerly was probably already melted down and most of the clothing and other stuff would just be thrown away. Major los for us but we were ok.

A similar situation has happend to three different frinds of mine. I was even there on one occasion. I don't think i will ever eat at ANY Cracker Barrel again