sugar land dave wrote:My opinion disagrees with your opinion, this time.Mr.ViperBoa wrote:Thats ridiculous. I didn't hear him accuse the officer of anything. Just stated that the Officer didn't return his CHL. Thats not an accusation, its a fact if he is telling the truth. I don't care if it is 215 am or pm. Going 3 miles over the speed limit isn't hurting anyone. Might not have even showed he was going 3 over in his car. I drive 3 or 4 different vehicles a week and I doubt any of the speedometers are dead on. If someone cant come in here and tel his story and explain what happen, why do we have the forum to begin with?sugar land dave wrote:This is your first post, and I agree with TAM above, however I find it distressing that anyone would go on a website and make accusations about an officer while naming said person. For all you know he may have accidentally lost your CHL card between his seat and console. At 2:15 in the morning, trying to see by overhead light, there are shadows within any car where an id card can hide. You've made an unprovable charge against an officer here and named him. I won't speak for others here, but I believe your post to be quite unfair to this particular officer and to law enforcement in general.
By the way, It might be good to drive a little slower at 2:15 am. A larger percentage of drivers at that hour HAVE been drinking or doing drugs.
Bands have one-hit wonders. Forums have one-hit trolls. Forum rule number 9. Blatant, global, or rampant law enforcement bashing is prohibited. Discussions of specific identifiable events presented factually are fine.
If you come on this forum and with your first post bash an officer by name, then I am going to question the post.
OP posted in several places on the web. To me, that is blatant, that is global, and that is rampant. I have no way to know if the OP presented fact since I only have his point of view presented.
BTW, you could have posted your opinion without the personal attack "That's ridiculous." Ouch!
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He said let me check for you, to make absolutely sure. I gave my vehicle one last look though I knew it was in vain. As I was waiting I noticed he turned ...
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SLD--Maybe everyone does not agree with you opinions but I for one give you credit on good research, it is called "confusing the issue with facts."