Stopped while carrying reloading supplies

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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by JP171 »

Keith B wrote:
RX8er wrote:Now I just have to turn myself in for all the felonies I commit in a day. KeithB, can I turn myself in to you? :cheers2:
Yes, consider yourself arrested. Now, your punishment is 50 lashes with a wet string.

that's wet noodle not string, string is a deadly weapon!

ALSO, remember the words I'm sorry Officer but I do NOT consent to a search of my vehicle. do NOT ever catalogue what is in your vehicle to an LEO, do NOT answer questions about where you have been or are going or what your doing, they aren't germane to the activity at hand and are nothing more than a fishing expedition for self incrimination just like an officer asking for your cell phone, leave it in the car and never give it to any officer, many departments can copy everything on your cell phone, contact list pics songs and anything else contained in the memory including texts websites visited emails all of it. give broad non specific answers to questions. yes you will probably get the ticket because the LEO is going to be mad but contempt of cop isn't a crime but attempting to insinuate themselves into your life beyond reasonable to conclude the contact is morally wrong and possibly illegal
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by DEB »

E.Marquez wrote:
drjoker wrote:
E.Marquez wrote:I know I shouldn't,,, But ok I'll bite at the treble hook
drjoker wrote: Another member of the forum was stopped, consented to a search and the officer found a Halloween costume (Hamburglar) with a fake rubber club. The officer said it was an illegal club and arrested him on a WEAPONS charge. It took a fortune in lawyer's fees to fight this off and he might not be able to get a CHL because of this.
What member? Have a link to the discussion?
And yes I did a search.. the key word Hamburglar returned three hits, your post, my quote of your post and one on a LEO impersonator demanding free McDonalds....:lol:
drjoker wrote: There are literally millions of felony punishable laws on the books. Statistics show that you commit at least a felony a day, unkowningly.
By chance do you have a link to the site that shows these stats? and or a cite ?

Arrested for Hamburlar outfit:
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=38798&hilit=addiso ... st#p464419

Wall Street Journal = you commit THREE felonies per day, on average: ... 60842.html - free online cliff notes summary plus you can buy the book if you want the whole story; ... 1594035229
1: It was not an arrest for a halloween costume and a fake nightstick.
2: A single published author, who wants you to buy his book claims something ....Got it.

It's interesting and I may buy and read his book,, just to see how he comes to the conclusion he does.
Shoot I learned something. I didn't even think about a nightstick being illegal in the State of Texas nowadays. This is one of the reasons I remain with this forum. :thumbs2:
Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail. Oversentimentality, oversoftness, washiness, and mushiness are the great dangers of this age and of this people." Teddy Roosevelt"
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by Abraham »

I guess I'm rather naive about denying a search or being questioned with what sounds like non-germane questions by an LEO during a traffic stop.

It would never occur to me to say no, mostly because I've nothing to hide. Perhaps the LEO is also looking for someone who just committed a crime and looks like me or drives a vehicle like mine or has some other reasonable explanation for their request. I don't know... I'm not being meek and mild, just trying to look at the hypothetical situation logically.

However, here on the forum I've read about citizen's denying such a search and wonder if the attitude is coming from a philosophy that says all LEOs will go to any length to arrest someone if they are allowed to go on a fishing expedition, if you will. Or, maybe it says some LEO's will do this and if more folks would take advantage of their right of refusal it would happen less...

P.S. I'm also curious about the cell phone. If it's on your person when outside the vehicle: The questioning LEO can rightfully demand it be turned over to them, but if in the car they can't? I wonder...?

The US against THEM mentality isn't one I've adopted when it comes to LEO's, but again, perhaps I'm being naive...
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by anygunanywhere »

Abraham wrote:I guess I'm rather naive about denying a search or being questioned with what sounds like non-germane questions by an LEO during a traffic stop.

It would never occur to me to say no, mostly because I've nothing to hide. Perhaps the LEO is also looking for someone who just committed a crime and looks like me or drives a vehicle like mine or has some other reasonable explanation for their request. I don't know... I'm not being meek and mild, just trying to look at the hypothetical situation logically.

However, here on the forum I've read about citizen's denying such a search and wonder if the attitude is coming from a philosophy that says all LEOs will go to any length to arrest someone if they are allowed to go on a fishing expedition, if you will. Or, maybe it says some LEO's will do this and if more folks would take advantage of their right of refusal it would happen less...

P.S. I'm also curious about the cell phone. If it's on your person when outside the vehicle: The questioning LEO can rightfully demand it be turned over to them, but if in the car they can't? I wonder...?

The US against THEM mentality isn't one I've adopted when it comes to LEO's, but again, perhaps I'm being naive...
It isn't an US versus THEM, and circumstances can dictate how insistent you are.

Have you ever rented a car? If so, you do not know what the previous renters had in the vehicle. I have been stopped in a rental and LEO can be suspicious of rentals.

Be aware of your rights and hold them close. Be polite and firm. You never know what twists of fate will transpire. IN all probability you will be fine but in reality, you need to look out for you.

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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by RX8er »

Abraham wrote:I guess I'm rather naive about denying a search or being questioned with what sounds like non-germane questions by an LEO during a traffic stop.

It would never occur to me to say no, mostly because I've nothing to hide. Perhaps the LEO is also looking for someone who just committed a crime and looks like me or drives a vehicle like mine or has some other reasonable explanation for their request. I don't know... I'm not being meek and mild, just trying to look at the hypothetical situation logically.

However, here on the forum I've read about citizen's denying such a search and wonder if the attitude is coming from a philosophy that says all LEOs will go to any length to arrest someone if they are allowed to go on a fishing expedition, if you will. Or, maybe it says some LEO's will do this and if more folks would take advantage of their right of refusal it would happen less...

P.S. I'm also curious about the cell phone. If it's on your person when outside the vehicle: The questioning LEO can rightfully demand it be turned over to them, but if in the car they can't? I wonder...?

The US against THEM mentality isn't one I've adopted when it comes to LEO's, but again, perhaps I'm being naive...
I don't treat it like an US versus THEM mentality. I treat it like I would anyone else coming up to me and asking me those questions. If my wife asks, I will answer, if Joe Bob Brown, who I do not know or who does not need to know asks, I will politely refuse to answer. As other's have said, most cases, it has nothing to do with why you were stopped. When I get caught for speeding, which is often, I get asked where you are heading. I generally answer with the cardinal direction in which I am headed. Sometimes I get a laugh, other times I get more questions. After a couple questions, I ask what these questions have to do with the business at hand. I politely ask if we can conclude our business and be on my way.
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by Abraham »

"When I get caught for speeding, which is often..."

O.K...with that little eye opener posted, I think I might understand your reluctance with LEO's...

The last time I was stopped by an LEO was in the 70's and it was for speeding and I got a ticket I deserved. I learned my lesson. It was the only traffic ticket I've ever received.

Now, as a "proven paragon of virtue" well, not exactly, but I don't have to endure constant stops by LEO's, or had to develop strategies because I'm regularly stopped by THE MAN - cuz it just don't happen as a fixture of my life.

Perhaps, as an admitted law breaker, you could slow down..?

You'd benefit.

Perhaps others as well...

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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by TheCytochromeC »

I understand how routine traffic stops can end. She asked to see the reloading supplies and I knew at that moment if I were to say yes, I'd be consenting to a search. Although, the ticket I received said that I was not searched, person nor vehicle. I showed her the goods, she didn't touch a thing in my car so I don't know if I can call it a "SEARCH". Regardless, my consent was a bad decision on my part. In future events, which hopefully won't occur, I'll know what to do to protect myself.
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by RX8er »

Abraham wrote:"When I get caught for speeding, which is often..."

O.K...with that little eye opener posted, I think I might understand your reluctance with LEO's...

The last time I was stopped by an LEO was in the 70's and it was for speeding and I got a ticket I deserved. I learned my lesson. It was the only traffic ticket I've ever received.

Now, as a "proven paragon of virtue" well, not exactly, but I don't have to endure constant stops by LEO's, or had to develop strategies because I'm regularly stopped by THE MAN - cuz it just don't happen as a fixture of my life.

Perhaps, as an admitted law breaker, you could slow down..?

You'd benefit.

Perhaps others as well...

Now, as the organ tunes up, please turn your hymnal to page ...
I choose to give very little information to anyone because I was raised that way long before I was driving. Having a relative that is a defense attorney and another that has spent his entire 40 year career in Columbus PD went a long way towards my position, not my driving habits. My uncle will tells stories that what would have been just a traffic ticket turned in to a arrest because the person he stopped couldn't keep their mouth shut. He'll keep asking questions as long as the person talks. Me personally, I do not even try to know every law that I could possibly be arrested for so I keep my mouth shut.

Since this is an eye opener for you, just how often is "often" in your mind? I am 40 so how many tickets do you think that is? I ask for curiosity and not for argument sake. :cheers2: We could all slow down, use our turn signals every time, come to compete stops, not tailgate, u-turn at controlled intersections only, and not even go 1 mile an hour over the limit. I'll bet that the vast majority of users here break at least one law every day during driving. I am just glad that you have not been caught for the laws you've broken in the last 40 years; congratulations. :coolgleamA:

Now, a little background: I drive 20,000 miles a year easily. I used to fly 150,000 miles a year and spend 200+ days a year in a rent cars. I was to all 50 states and all territories by my late 20s. I've owned a couple sports inspired cars further attracting attention. I'll give you a hint; I am single digit for all tickets ever received. For me, not bad at all. :biggrinjester:

Now, back in to our respective glass houses. It's Friday!!!
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by texanjoker »

Abraham wrote:I guess I'm rather naive about denying a search or being questioned with what sounds like non-germane questions by an LEO during a traffic stop.

It would never occur to me to say no, mostly because I've nothing to hide. Perhaps the LEO is also looking for someone who just committed a crime and looks like me or drives a vehicle like mine or has some other reasonable explanation for their request. I don't know... I'm not being meek and mild, just trying to look at the hypothetical situation logically.

However, here on the forum I've read about citizen's denying such a search and wonder if the attitude is coming from a philosophy that says all LEOs will go to any length to arrest someone if they are allowed to go on a fishing expedition, if you will. Or, maybe it says some LEO's will do this and if more folks would take advantage of their right of refusal it would happen less...

P.S. I'm also curious about the cell phone. If it's on your person when outside the vehicle: The questioning LEO can rightfully demand it be turned over to them, but if in the car they can't? I wonder...?

The US against THEM mentality isn't one I've adopted when it comes to LEO's, but again, perhaps I'm being naive...

Good quote... the us and them sure seems real on the internet. Fortunately in my experience on the streets it isn't that way. Most law abiding citizens want to help keep their neighborhood crime to a minimal and work in partnership with the police for that goal. Most people never even have a real LEO contact in their lifetime. When they do it's a traffic violation or they have been the victim of something. I have yet to see anybody go through a cell phone on a regular traffic stop. The phones you would want to go through would be dope dealers, smugglers, terrorist types, ect. The officer would need consent to go through the phone in the field.

Traffic enforcement is how criminals are caught. The vehicle code is the tool to stop them and you go from there. If they are not breaking the law, speeding, lighting violations, ect, then they won't be stopped. They really do make it easy because you then find their warrants or they are driving w/o a license. If they are arrested, you then tow their car and do a full inventory. It is amazing how much stolen property, illegal weapons, drugs, ect are found in that manner :thumbs2: Heck some of the people in here may recover their stolen firearms because a LEO did a traffic stop and got into the car (in a legal manner.)

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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by CHLLady »

So what happens if you do say NO to a search??
If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you carry a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?

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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by RottenApple »

CHLLady wrote:So what happens if you do say NO to a search??
1) They try to coerce you into letting them search (the old "if you've got nothing to hide" line).

2) They search any way (legal if they have probable cause, illegal if they don't).

3) They let you go w/o searching.

There's probably a few other possibilities, but these are the most likely.

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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by CHLLady »

RottenApple wrote:
CHLLady wrote:So what happens if you do say NO to a search??
1) They try to coerce you into letting them search (the old "if you've got nothing to hide" line).

2) They search any way (legal if they have probable cause, illegal if they don't).

3) They let you go w/o searching.

There's probably a few other possibilities, but these are the most likely.
Thank you for explaining. I'm not used to having a choice, if you enter post or base you consent to search at any time. Its mostly an annoyance, but necessary. I once saw a young woman trying to enter with ice all over her windshield with a teeny tiny hole to see through, needless to say, she was stopped. Lol.
If you carry a gun, people call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you carry a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by C-dub »

I thought the whole illegal club thing was moot if you had a CHL and were carrying at the time. I'm looking for the statute and will post it if I find it.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by C-dub »

Here it is. It's kind of jumbled, but I've highlighted the important part.
PC §46.15. NONAPPLICABILITY. (a) Sections 46.02 and 46.03 do not apply to:
(1) peace officers or special investigators under Article 2.122, Code of Criminal Procedure, and neither section prohibits a peace officer or special investigator from carrying a weapon in this state, including in an establishment in this state serving the public, regardless of whether the peace officer or special investigator is engaged in the actual discharge of the officer's or investigator's duties while carrying the weapon;
(2) parole officers and neither section prohibits an officer from carrying a weapon in this state if the officer is:
(A) engaged in the actual discharge of the officer's duties while carrying the weapon; and
(B) in compliance with policies and procedures adopted by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice regarding the possession of a weapon by an officer while on duty;
(3) community supervision and corrections department officers appointed or employed under Section 76.004, Government Code, and neither section prohibits an officer from carrying a weapon in this state if the officer is:
(A) engaged in the actual discharge of the officer's duties while carrying the weapon; and
(B) authorized to carry a weapon under Section 76.0051, Government Code;
(4) an active judicial officer as defined by Section 411.201, Government Code, who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code;
(5) an honorably retired peace officer or federal criminal investigator who holds a certificate of proficiency issued under Section 1701.357, Occupations Code, and is carrying a photo identification that:
(A) verifies that the officer honorably retired after not less than 15 years of service as a commissioned officer; and
(B) is issued by a state or local law enforcement agency;
(6) a district attorney, criminal district attorney, county attorney, or municipal attorney who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code;
(7) an assistant district attorney, assistant criminal district attorney, or assistant county attorney who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code;
(8) a bailiff designated by an active judicial officer as defined by Section 411.201, Government Code, who is:
(A) licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Chapter 411, Government Code; and
(B) engaged in escorting the judicial officer; or
(9) a juvenile probation officer who is authorized to carry a firearm under Section 142.006, Human Resources Code.
(b) Section 46.02 does not apply to a person who:
(1) is in the actual discharge of official duties as a member of the armed forces or state military forces as defined by Section 431.001, Government Code, or as a guard employed by a penal institution;
(2) is traveling;
(3) is engaging in lawful hunting, fishing, or other sporting activity on
the immediate premises where the activity is conducted, or is en route between the premises and the actor's residence, motor vehicle, or watercraft, if the weapon is a type commonly used in the activity;
(4) holds a security officer commission issued by the Texas Private Security Board, if the person is engaged in the performance of the person's duties as an officer commissioned under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code, or is traveling to or from the person's place of assignment and is wearing the officer's uniform and carrying the officer's weapon in plain view;
(5) acts as a personal protection officer and carries the person's security officer commission and personal protection officer authorization, if the person:
(A) is engaged in the performance of the person's duties as a personal protection officer under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code, or is traveling to or from the person's place of assignment; and
(B) is either:
(i) wearing the uniform of a security officer, including any uniform or apparel described by Section 1702.323(d), Occupations Code, and carrying the officer's weapon in plain view; or
(ii) not wearing the uniform of a security officer and carrying the officer's weapon in a concealed manner;
(6) is carrying a concealed handgun and a valid license issued under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, to carry a concealed handgun of the same category as the handgun the person is carrying;
(7) holds an alcoholic beverage permit or license or is an employee of a holder of an alcoholic beverage permit or license if the person is supervising the operation of the permitted or licensed premises; or
(8) is a student in a law enforcement class engaging in an activity required as part of the class, if the weapon is a type commonly used in the activity and the person is:
(A) on the immediate premises where the activity is conducted; or
(B) en route between those premises and the person's residence and is carrying the weapon unloaded.
(c) The provision of Section 46.02 prohibiting the carrying of a club does not apply to a noncommissioned security guard at an institution of higher education who carries a nightstick or similar club, and who has undergone 15 hours of training in the proper use of the club, including at least seven hours of training in the use of the club for nonviolent restraint. For the purposes of this subsection, “nonviolent restraint” means the use of reasonable force, not intended and not likely to inflict bodily injury.
(d) The provisions of Section 46.02 prohibiting the carrying of a firearm or carrying of a club do not apply to a public security officer employed by the adjutant general under Section 431.029, Government Code, in performance of official duties or while traveling to or from a place of duty.
(e) The provisions of Section 46.02 prohibiting the carrying of an illegal knife do not apply to an individual carrying a bowie knife or a sword used in a historical demonstration or in a ceremony in which the knife or sword is significant to the performance of the ceremony.
(f) Section 46.03(a)(6) does not apply to a person who possesses a firearm or club while in the actual discharge of official duties as:
(1) a member of the armed forces or state military forces, as defined by Section 431.001, Government Code; or
(2) an employee of a penal institution.
(g) The provisions of Sections 46.02 and 46.03 prohibiting the possession or carrying of a club do not apply to an animal control officer who holds a certificate issued under Section 829.006, Health and Safety Code, and who possesses or carries an instrument used specifically for deterring the bite of an animal while the officer is in the performance of official duties under the Health and Safety Code or is traveling to or from a place of duty.

(h) *[repealed by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., RS, HB 1815, §3.]
(i) *[repealed by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., RS, HB 1815, §3.]
(j) The provisions of Section 46.02 prohibiting the carrying of a handgun do not apply to an individual who carries a handgun as a participant in a historical reenactment performed in accordance with the rules of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: Stopped while carrying reloading supplies


Post by RottenApple »

C-dub wrote:Here it is. It's kind of jumbled, but I've highlighted the important part. (SNIP)
Black letter of the law, you are correct. But with courts trying to discern legislative intent, well..... Do YOU want to be the test case? :shock:
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