Since last January, the ID is even required to have a 24 hour number you can call to verify the status of the LEO.
Ours don't - I asked about it after reading your response and nobody here has heard anything about it.
The new ID requirements were added last session...
Government Code:
Sec. 614.122. PEACE OFFICERS. (a) The law enforcement agency or other governmental entity that appoints or employs a peace officer shall issue an identification card to its full-time or part-time peace officers.
(b) The identification card must include:
(1) the full name of the peace officer;
(2) a photograph of the peace officer consistent with the peace officer's appearance;
(3) the name of the law enforcement agency or other governmental entity that appointed or employs the peace officer or that the peace officer was elected to serve;
(4) if applicable, the signature of the person appointing or employing the person as a peace officer on behalf of the law enforcement agency or other governmental entity;
(5) a brief description of the peace officer, including the peace officer's height, weight, and eye color;
(6) the thumbprint of the peace officer or a bar code with a unique identification label for the peace officer;
(7) the date the law enforcement agency or other governmental entity appointed or employed the peace officer;
(8) the date the law enforcement agency or other governmental entity issued the card to the peace officer; and
(9) a phone number operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week that a person may call to verify the validity of the identification card.
(c) On the identification card, the law enforcement agency or other governmental entity that issues the card shall print:
(1) "State of Texas" and the state seal; and
(2) "This identification card certifies that (insert name of peace officer) is commissioned by (insert name of law enforcement agency or other governmental entity that appoints or employs the peace officer) as a (insert "full-time peace officer" or "part-time peace officer")."
(d) The head of a law enforcement agency or other governmental entity that appoints or employs a peace officer shall recover the identification card at the time of the peace officer's resignation or termination.
Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 938, Sec. 1, eff. September 1, 2007.
Since last January, the ID is even required to have a 24 hour number you can call to verify the status of the LEO.
Ours don't - I asked about it after reading your response and nobody here has heard anything about it.
Refer your HR or Chief's office to Chapter 614.122 of the Government Code for the latest rules on ID cards. This whole subchapter was added last legislative session, along with the several other versions of subchapter H. There are two separate versions of the rules on ID cards, and one requires the agency to issue them to retired officers. I assume this was a response to interstate problems from LEOSA, but I cannot say for sure.
EDITED to add: I guess KRM45 types just a little faster than I do.
I guess the thought off having to reissue 3500 ID cards is probably causing our Personnel Division some headaches. I wonder if there is some type of "drop dead" date on this? Perhaps they were given a window of time to get it done by. Next time I see one of our rookies I'll ask and see if they have it on their cards as it only makes sense that they would get the new troops in compliance.
I remember that there was some type of law passed several years back requiring departments to have video cameras in their squad cars so as to be in compliance with "racial profiling" guidelines set down by the legislature. I remember we asked for some type of variance to that law and we must of have gotten it because we still don't have DVRs in most of our cars. Perhaps the same thing happened in regards to this too.
srothstein wrote:A retired game warden may be still commissioned as a special warden.
Ditto and question for idp38 - where were you hunting? If it was public land (say for instance TPWD managed) but owned by the US Army Corps of Engineers - then pistol hunting is not allowed.
“Only at the end do you realize the power of the Dark Side.”