First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by casp625 »

Well, it was the early morning after 4th of July and dumb ole' me decided to take a familiar turn much faster than normal. The road was pretty deserted... except for the County Sherriff that was sitting at the corner one block from the house! Handed the officer my driver's license, insurance and CHL and they went back to run my info. Officer came back with a warning and told me to slow down next time. Not once did they ask me if I was actually carrying or where it was. I wasn't carrying this particular night but I figured it would be easier to give them my CHL then for them to find out on their own. Overall, pretty nice encounter without incident! :patriot:

Ever since I got my CHL, I have prided myself on becoming a much better driver with obeying all traffic signs, not speeding, and being a considerate of others. A quick lapse in judgment and it almost got me a ticket! :banghead: Now, to learn my lesson and obey the laws!
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by Maxwell »

Good to hear, but remember, even though there is no penalty for not showing your CHL the law states that when asked for ID by a LEO you must provide your TDL and CHL.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by jmra »

Maxwell wrote:Good to hear, but remember, even though there is no penalty for not showing your CHL the law states that when asked for ID by a LEO you must provide your TDL and CHL.
Only if you are carrying which the OP was not. According to the DPS website you don't even have to carry your CHL if you are not carrying your firearm.
"37. Am I required to carry my Concealed Handgun License (CHL) when I don’t have my handgun with me?
No. Under the Texas Concealed Handgun Licensing Act, you are only required to have your license with you whenever you are carrying a concealed handgun."
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by The Wall »

It can also save you from getting a ticket. The retired State Trooper that taught the CHL course the wife and I took years ago said, most LEO treat CHL carriers differently and he had heard many stories of people getting warnings instead of tickets for that reason. It's better to let them know right away than having them find out when they run your plates. And as stated it is the law that you show it, even if there's no penalty for not declaring. It's the respectful thing to do whether you are carrying or not. It could save you the cost of a fine. You could use that money to buy more ammo. :lol: Just think every time you do what the OP did you're doing it for all of us CHL holders. Not the speeding around the turn part. :lol:

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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by Ipconfig »

The Wall wrote:It can also save you from getting a ticket. The retired State Trooper that taught the CHL course the wife and I took years ago said, most LEO treat CHL carriers differently and he had heard many stories of people getting warnings instead of tickets for that reason. It's better to let them know right away than having them find out when they run your plates. And as stated it is the law that you show it, even if there's no penalty for not declaring. It's the respectful thing to do whether you are carrying or not. It could save you the cost of a fine. You could use that money to buy more ammo. :lol: Just think every time you do what the OP did you're doing it for all of us CHL holders. Not the speeding around the turn part. :lol:

Just clarification but it has been stated many times it is not tied to your plates, and technically you only have to show if you are carrying.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by nightmare69 »

Anytime I made a traffic stop and was handed a CHL I handed the driver a warning and talked guns for a few minutes. It would put me at ease anytime I had an encounter with a fellow CHLer.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by Farari214 »

I was pulled over a few months ago for no registration.... Let me explain... I had just retired from the USMC and the car I was in was the first car I had purchased sense I have been in Texas. My inspection sticker was about to expire and my registration had just expired a few days prior to me getting stopped. I thought I had to get my car inspected first so I had just gotten off work and was trying to find an inspection station when I got the red and blued behind me. I pulled over and got my registration (expired) and insurance (good) and my DL ready for the officer (yes I forgot to give him my CHL) He approached my drivers side and informed me he had pulled me over for a expired registration. I explained my lack of understanding of the inspection laws and I informed him I am a CHL holder and I was armed. He was very nice and he said thank you for letting him know I was armed and he explained the inspection process to me. He let me off with a verbal warning and wished me a happy afternoon. Needless to say I went straight to the tax collectors office and got new registration. It was a good experience and educational too.

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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by dlh »

Our CHL instructor said we should not verbally tell the police we were armed as that could make some LEOs feel uneasy. Just show em your driver's license and CHL and let LEO take it from there. That seems to make a lot of sense to me.

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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by MONGOOSE »

I was stopped yesterday. When I gave him my license, insurance and Chl I told him the loaded weapon was in my console( about 6" from me.) He didn't even look up. He said he was a big 2A supporter and I was fine. Never came up again.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by Topbuilder »

Our CHL instructor said we should not verbally tell the police we were armed as that could make some LEOs feel uneasy. Just show em your driver's license and CHL and let LEO take it from there. That seems to make a lot of sense to me.
That's all you need to do. Let them ask the questions from there.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by MONGOOSE »

As I was needing to open that console to retrieve my insurance card, I thought it a wise idea to inform the Deputy that I had a loaded firearm in the console.

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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by Mike S »

MONGOOSE wrote:As I was needing to open that console to retrieve my insurance card, I thought it a wise idea to inform the Deputy that I had a loaded firearm in the console.
Very prudent on your part. Can't fault you for that decision making process.

Edit: But it may be a wise choice to keep your insurance card in the door or somewhere else that you don't secure your gun for the next go-round :lol:

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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by MONGOOSE »

Already moved.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by JALLEN »

I have long kept the insurance card in the glove box, in a flip folder designed for that purpose with the registration as is done in California where I lived. What is more practical here, where there is no registration paperwork?

The insurance "card" is printed out from an e-mail sent by the insurer, on ordinary paper. I have a separate card for each of 3 cars.
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Re: First LEO contact with CHL - GOOD


Post by loktite »

While I do keep a separate copy in the glove box, I always keep a copy in my wallet. Never know when I might need to drive someone's car, and it's the driver that needs to be insured. So when retrieving my ID(s) from wallet, the insurance card is folded up right behind.
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