Pulled over twice in two days...

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by TVGuy »

So, I took a couple of days off and had a four day weekend. The wife and I went to a B&B in Oklahoma Thursday for a night and while heading back home the first stop happened:

About 11am Friday... We were maybe 5 minutes or so south of Lake Texoma on 377 when I passed a State Trooper going the opposite way. He pulled a U-Turn and I couldn't imagine he was pulling me over. We were in a 65 and I know I wasn't even at 70. Sure enough he stopped us. Hands on wheel, produced DL, CHL, Insurance. Long story short, he was very nice and gave me a written warning for "speed over 65" and no front plate. He never did say what he clocked me at though.

The second one was the best...

Saturday was my birthday and my wife and I decided to take Tactical Carbine 1 class at the range we go to. It's a little over an hour out of town and we woke up late. Guzzled some coffee, got dressed, grabbed equipment and hit the road. GPS said I'd be there about 9:10 for the class that started at 9:00. I was determined not to be late. Little traffic, we were speeding to make up some time.

Going 80-83 in a 60 zone and GPS is now putting us just 2-3 minutes late. Headed over Lake Ray Hubbard on 30 and see a cop in a stopped trap at the end. Hit the brakes, but knew he'd already got me. He pulled out and we pulled over. Same drill - hands on dash, wife handed me DL, CHL, Insurance. What happened next was the amazing part:

I said "Good morning, Officer" as he approached and handed him my items. Hands then back on the wheel.

After seeing my CHL-

Officer: "Are you carrying today?"

Me: "Yes, Sir."

Officer: "Without reaching for it, please let me know where it is."

Me: "Sir, there is a condition 1 handgun in the console to my right. Do you see the range bag behind me? There are two condition 4 handguns zipped in the bag. There is also a condition 4 AR-15 in the trunk, Sir."

Officer: "OK. (slight smile) I clocked you at 82 in a 60 back there, is there a reason you were going so fast?"

I knew I was popped on this one, so I just came right out with it...

Me: "Well, to be frank, Officer - my wife is taking me to a tactical firearms course for my birthday and we woke up just a little late. It starts at 9 and I was trying to make up time."

Officer: (Looks in the car, smiles then just chuckles) "OK Sir, I'm going to run your info and then I'll have you right on your way this morning."

He went to his car for a maximum of 30-45 seconds. Came back to my window and handed me my items. He said "Have a good day sir, have fun out there" and sent us on our way. No ticket, didn't even tell me to slow down. Awesome.
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by joe817 »

Those are the stories I like to hear! Thanks for sharing! :txflag:
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by philip964 »

Stopped last week by two nice young officers. Allowed me to install my new plates I had in the trunk.

Asked me about my guns and which was my favorite, while I was working away with the screw driver installing the new license plates.

They couldn't have been more polite, gave me faith that there is some hope for the future.

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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by CoffeeNut »

Fantastic! Always nice to hear some good cop stories.
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by mojo84 »

There are a lot of good cops out there. Unfortunately, it's usually the ones that don't act so good we hear about. I haven't been stopped very many times in my life but when it's happened, I don't expect to get off but when I did, I was extremely thankful. Politeness is never out of place.
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by RetNavy »

guess my problem was I wasnt speeding..... have to watch those $300 stop signs :biggrinjester: :mrgreen:

glad you had a good experience with both local and out of state law enforcement
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by johncanfield »

82 in a 60? Yikes! :eek6
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by AlaskanInTexas »

joe817 wrote:Those are the stories I like to hear! Thanks for sharing! :txflag:
I prefer not to hear stories about people breaking the law and driving unsafely, putting their own tardiness above the welfare of innocent people, and then having the police do nothing about it. But glad the interaction vis a vis the firearms was professional and went well.
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by suthdj »

Not to highjack but can somebody explain "Condition 1" and "Condition 4" I never heard it before.
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by MechAg94 »

AlaskanInTexas wrote:
joe817 wrote:Those are the stories I like to hear! Thanks for sharing! :txflag:
I prefer not to hear stories about people breaking the law and driving unsafely, putting their own tardiness above the welfare of innocent people, and then having the police do nothing about it. But glad the interaction vis a vis the firearms was professional and went well.
Not all speed limits are set based on what is safe or not.

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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by rotor »

When I was very young and not so smart I would do the same thing. Now speed limit says 65 I go 65. Speed limit 70 I go 70. I want to go faster I get in my plane. We may not agree with the signs but we should follow them. I do not agree with bragging about not getting a ticket when you should have. I do not agree with people using radar detectors to avoid tickets. Don't endanger others because you can't wake up on time.

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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by TexasVet »

suthdj wrote:Not to highjack but can somebody explain "Condition 1" and "Condition 4" I never heard it before.

Condition Four: Chamber empty, empty magazine, hammer down.
Condition Three: Chamber empty, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition Two: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition One: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety on.
Condition Zero: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety off.

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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by Rrash »

I was pulled over in Oklahoma for speeding last year. I got the ticket, but CHL was a complete non-issue to him.
I had a small, polite interaction with an FBI agent. Same thing, no big deal. In fact, we talked about getting together and shooting sometime.

For the most part, I think LEO's are perfectly comfortable with CHL these days. Now a former neighbor, who happens to be ATF, was not so excited when the subject of Tannerite came up once.
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by txglock21 »

TexasVet wrote:
suthdj wrote:Not to highjack but can somebody explain "Condition 1" and "Condition 4" I never heard it before.

Condition Four: Chamber empty, empty magazine, hammer down.
Condition Three: Chamber empty, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition Two: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer down.
Condition One: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety on.
Condition Zero: A round chambered, full magazine in place, hammer cocked, safety off.
Why would anyone carry "condition four"? You might as well just carry a rock or a hammer. :confused5
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Re: Pulled over twice in two days...


Post by mojo84 »

I suspect many may transport weapons (rifles, pistols and shotguns) in condition 4. I know I do when I'm headed to and from hunting or shooting range.
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