cb1000rider wrote:Exclusionism - Republicans have alienated Mexican Amercians, homosexuals, women on specific issues, and if you go back even father somehow African Americans switched sides. I say this in general, not that there aren't exceptions within more centralist Republicans. Those are just a few off the top of my head. The Mexican American thing is a big problem in Texas, if you want it to continue to be a red state... As the demographics are shifting that way - that's going to be the majority base. Regardless of what you think about those groups or issues, it's hasn't been a very good play for political survivability.. And it's worse because of the demographics in Texas.
That clears it up for me, I hadn't actually thought of it in those terms. However, I'm not sure how much of the supposed alienation is true and how much is just a media strategy for fundamentally altering the Republic. The Hispanics I've spoken with and work with can't stand Obama. They also don't like illegal immigration and the welfare system. It's undeniable that large numbers of uneducated Hispanics heavily favor the Democrats, but it's because the Democrats have bought them off, not because they're more inclusive. If Hispanic immigrants were to start voting majority Republican (not that it would matter much at this point, as the Republican Party is just as corrupt as the Democrats) the Democrats would put the military on the border and seal it off tighter than a drum.
They have the African American vote because Dems made a large part of the African American community dependent on government. The Dems would throw them under the bus in a heartbeat if they ceased being dependent on government. In general, women see the world differently than men do and are a little more likely to lean towards collectivism, so the most collectivist party is probably always going to attract a majority of women. All these voting blocks are just tools for getting and keeping power; the Democrats have just historically been smarter and less ethically constrained in the use of their tools. Fostering and imposing dependency is the way the left gets power.
With regards to both women and homosexuals specifically I think you have more of a point. The way Republicans have appealed to a part of their base is exclusionary, though a lot of it is exaggerated and amplified in the media, and doesn't constitute the threat that is hyped. They also don't really believe a lot of their own rhetoric which is obvious when we observe what they actually do while they're in office. OTOH, the militant feminists and homosexuals are causing a backlash by their actions, deliberately so, and it's getting to the point that those who would have been their allies are throwing their hands up in disgust. Especially since neither group cares a wit about the rights of anyone who doesn't share their agenda. I think those women and homosexuals who feel excluded by the fake conservatives in the Republican Party aren't satisfied with mere equality or fair treatment.....they're seeking recognition and special privileges, that the Democrats are willing to grant without regard to the Constitution. Homosexuals taking a Christian bakery to court because it wouldn't bake them a wedding cake are not people seeking fair or equal treatment, they're narcissists seeking to impose what they want on others who want something different. I don't want to make this a Democrat/Republican thing --in almost all these political groups people who genuinely embrace the principles embodied in our Constitution are in short supply. Perhaps something can be saved at the state and local level, but the national leadership of both parties needs to be expunged.
At this point the system can't be fixed by the ballot box; the ballot box is what broke it in the first place. The Founders knew Democracies don't last and that's why they created a Republic. One man one vote is a prescription for failure....two wolves and a lamb, as they say, voting on what's for dinner. The takers find their payouts at the ballot box and we're already at the point where the takers out number the makers. It's only a matter of time now until the "Democracy" erodes what remains of the Republic, and the pace has greatly accelerated under The One. Economic collapse is now inevitable, it also is just a matter of time. It may take five years or twenty years, I have no idea, but our system is unsustainable in its current form and there is no will to fix it. And that lack of will may actually make a kind of sick sense, because what's needed to fix it may well produce results that are as bad or worse than letting it run its course.
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