Excaliber wrote:nightmare69 wrote:Edit: The way the officer said about the fail ratio the students that were kicked out were not included in it. If that is true then the pass/fail percentage is invalid as it does not include students who were kicked out.
Graduation rate is generally accepted as the percentage of students who finished a program compared to the number that started that program. The interpretation cited above doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If those who failed to meet the standards and were dropped from the program are not included in the graduation rate, where did the 7% who didn't make it come from? A quick call to the academy should be able to clarify the issue and give you solid information that may help you with your decisions.
I think the problem is knowing which statistic you are getting and what it represents. The important statistic for Nightmare69 is "what percentages of people who enter the academy graduate AND pass the licensing examination?" This is because it is possible to graduate from the academy and not pass the licensing exam. it is also possible to not graduate from the academy.
I think the problem is that TCOLE (the new name for TCLEOSE) only keeps statistics on how many people from each academy pass the licensing exam. They actually keep two statistics on that, how many pass the first time and how many pass overall. They do not know how many entered the academy and left for personal reasons or for failure to meet some academy standard. I would bet the 93% statistic is the number who pass on the first time though it might be the number who pass overall.
So, ask the academy how many who enter it graduate? Tell them you already have the statistic for passing the test, but want to know how many who enter graduate the academy. They should have that stat available for you. You could then verify the test passing rate with TCOLE and apply it to the passing rate. For example, if 80% of the entrants pass the academy, and 93% of the graduates pass the test, then .8 * .93 = .744 (74.4%) of the people who start the academy pass the licensing test.
An even more important question might be to go further and ask how many who enter get jobs as peace officers, but I bet no one knows that number.
EDIT: Just out of curiosity, I just checked the TCOLE web site and it shows ETPA has a 99.23 overall pass rate for the licensing exam for the past three years total. From the chart, that appears to be a first attempt pass rate.