Auto Insurance Database

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Auto Insurance Database


Post by powerboatr »

the simple fact is if you have your current proof of insurance, thats all thats required of you,
there are folks out there that buy a policy to get tags then its no wonder the database has issues
if the database is hosed up or missing info, its not your fault. I know its not updated as fast as it should be.
but i would call my insurance agent and inquire.

i have farm bureau, and so far i have never had it not up to date when i get tags or safety inspection for the last four years.
i think mr. policeman was just needing to waste some time or wanted a better look at your car.

they get bored to i bet, :biggrinjester:
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Re: Auto Insurance Database


Post by C-dub »

Insurance companies make mistakes all the time. Just yesterday I received a cancellation notification via e-mail. They cancelled our policy because we missed the last payment, except that the policy was for about $570 and for some reason my wife had already paid $630, so she didn't make the last payment. In the cancellation e-mail it even stated that we had over paid and they were refunding the $60. So, how was it that we were being cancelled for missing a payment on a policy that we had already over paid on? The computer automatically kicked out the cancellation notice due the the missed payment regardless of the balance paid. This problem was resolved with one phone call and the policy was reinstated, but if an officer with one of these systems in his car had seen me driving to work this morning he might have stopped me and I would have been in the same situation as the OP.
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Re: Auto Insurance Database


Post by Jaguar »

thorkyl wrote:[...]
Now, on the same aspect, I have been stopped and told the same thing only so the cop could ask what was in the 6 55gallon drums in the bed of my truck

I told they where full of air
You could have said it is a mixture of Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Neon, Helium, Methane, Krypton, and Hydrogen.

If it was DPS, this explanation of air would be followed by a cavity search. :smilelol5:
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Re: Auto Insurance Database


Post by BigGuy »

A trucker friend of mine tell's the story of almost getting a citation when pulling an empty tanker. He got pulled over going through town, and the LEO asked him what he was hauling. My friend said, "sail boat fuel." Apparently it took the LEO a little while to figure out that "sail boat fuel" was no more explosive than "dispatcher brains" or any of the other cute little witticism truckers use to describe and empty tank.
He didn't get a ticket, but he did get a good talking to about the proper way to answer questions put to you by a policeman.
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