The inevitable happened today!

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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G.A. Heath
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Re: The inevitable happened today!


Post by G.A. Heath »

Here are some facts:
1: There are bad people out there.
2: There are a FEW bad CHLs out there.
3: There are a FEW bad LEOs out there.
4: There are LEO impersonators out there.
5: Traffic stops are dangerous for both traditional parties involved (Ex: Accidents, Bad people in either party, bad third parties involving themselves)
6: LEOs have the legal authority to disarm a CHL within reason (meaning the safety of the officer, CHL holder, or a third party)

Now not all "Traffic Stops" are done by LEOs, some are done by LEO impersonators. How you handle a traffic stop influences how the officer acts in regards to you and your operation. Now with that said I have seen some LEOs with poor gun handling skills, I also know that NDs do infact happen, and I know that officers are not immune to having them. Each and every encounter is different and has to be dealt with on an individual basis. So here are some scenarios:

A: Female CHL stopped by LEO, is disarmed by LEO and accused of sexual assault as he is accused of groping said female CHL while taking the weapon from her on body holster. Dasham video can be shows the disarming, but due to coniditions doesn't show enough detail to determine which parties claims are legit, goes to trial.
B: Female CHL stopped by LEO impersonator, is disarmed then sexually assaulted and shot with her own weapon.
C: Female CHL stopped by LEO, shoots LEO who didn't disarm her because he wanted to avoid scenario "A".
D: Female CHL stopped by LEO impersonator, shoots impersonator who tried to sexually assault her.
E: Male or Female CHL stopped by LEO and is accidentally shot by LEO while LEO is disarming them or attempting to clear CHLs weapon.
F: Male or Female CHL stopped by LEO and is shot by LEO who is having an Officer Harless and decides to act on his anger.
G: Male or Female CHL stopped by LEO, is disarmed, weapon returned, every body goes home in one piece.
H: Male or Female CHL stopped by LEO, is not disarmed, every body goes home in one piece.

Note: "Bad People" is a reference to people who have criminal intentions or are committing a criminal act.

The point is that LEO encounters can be dangerous, and that if something doesn't feel right you need to listen to your instincts. Nearly everybody has a CELL PHONE, and the officers have radios as well. If you are not comfortable request the officer get a supervisor or additional units, if the officer is acting out of control or is showing danger signs call 911. Remember that the side of the road is not the place to argue with a LEO, that should be done in court by professionals. Do not resist arrest or a search no matter how illegal it is, never sign anything giving consent after the fact, and remember that you can always fall back on your fifth amendment to keep your mouth shut.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
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