If utility workers were on my property (outside of the lawful easement) and refused to leave, my first inclination would be to turn on the sprinkler.
Second inclination would be to call 911 - in my small city, just west of Austin, I believe they'd respond within a few minutes.
Things could be worse - what if they'd entered your yard with a TRUCK? This has happened - a friend one day returned home to find a big utility truck in his back yard.

They'd crossed his driveway in the process, and left BIG ruts in his lawn. They also mouthed off to him, told him he couldn't do a g-- d----- thing about it.
So he parked his car on his driveway, so as to block it.
Utility guys, once they finished, pounded on his door and TOLD him to move. He refused, THEY called the cops.
Cops asked him to move - he refused. HIS private car was on HIS private driveway, and nobody had authority to make him move it. Cop conceded the point, told the workers it was up to them to work things out with the homeowner.
Things went back and forth for a while, but ultimately he got 1) Written apology from the utility; 2) Entire back and front yard were resodded by the utility. 3) A nominal amount of cash for his trouble.
Truck stayed in his back yard until the settlement was signed and sealed, IIRC about 2 days.
The utility workers? They were
ex-utility workers before the end of the first day.