Lots of variables between the above thread and my situation. I have not read a first hand account from Lemes so I really don'tesxmarkc wrote:You'b better check this thread if you think it would have been ok to fire that second shot or even the first.
Here are some of the pertinent highlights:
Lemes told authorities he shot Glass after the 19-year-old turned and lunged at him as he was fleeing. He'd been trying to detain the intruder until police arrived, he said.Lemes indicated at the time of the shooting that he was protecting himself, but prosecutors said Thursday they sought the indictment because he shot the unarmed man five times after Glass already had fled the house without any of the homeowner's belongings.Texas law traditionally allows a homeowner to fire at an intruder if he believes it's the only way to protect his property, but prosecutors said Glass was empty-handed.austinrealitor makes a pretty good point. Certainly has me rethinking things.“In this instance, the trespass had been terminated,” she said. “The guy's running down the street and away. There was no gun found. There was no indication of deadly force being used against the defendant.”
know exactly what transpired. Again, you'll need to decide for yourself what line you will not allow others to cross. That's a personal
decision based on your individual personality, physical condition, experience,training,value system and interpretation of existing law.
I can't/won't advise you to empty your weapon or not to fire. I can tell you that if you have not already made the decision on exactly
what you are willing to do, or rather how you will respond to a threat; you'll be caught with your pants around your ankles. It happens
too fast for you to think, "gee, what are all my choices? I think i'll run through each and every scenario possible before I react".
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or a jerk. I'm telling you those thoughts won't even enter your mind. You will be keyed on the BG and
protecting yourself and your property. I'm sure whatever decision you eventually make will be the right one for you.