I think that I understand your emotions and thusly, your subsequent actions. I would be offended that someone would dare steal my property or make other (serious) transgressions against me. In a situation such as you describe, I,too, would try to chase him down to recover whatever property he had stolen from me. That's the way I'm wired. Of course, whether I actually could catch him would be in great doubt. [sounds of gasping]

I have a hard time accepting the premise that by trying to recover my property in the immediate moment, it can be considered to be an "escalation" on my part, thereby somehow putting me in some sort of legal jeopardy as events transpired. Every time I hear reasoning of this sort, a western movie scenario flashes into my mind where all of the townspeople are afraid to act on their own, thoroughly cowed by the bad guys that come into town to render mayhem. Sometimes it is necessary and appropriate to say to the mayhem-makers, "Not me. Not this time".
In the heat-of-the-moment decision-making of a situation like Gemini has described, how we will react will be determined by our own ethos, our own sense of "rightness", modified by our instincts and training. How we are wired will determine whether we chase, or shrug our shoulders, or trust that one day the perpetrator will eventually get his just dues.
Life is not exclusively about simply being safe. How many have joined the military because it was "safe"? Think about it: In times of the various wars that we have been involved in, men have left their wives and families, possibly putting them in some type of risk, financial or otherwise. The men's own safety was not an issue. They went into a possibility of peril because of their own sense of what should be done.
I'm glad that you were able to take direct action that resulted in the apprehension of the thieving micreant. It may well be that his "I was shot at!" will be a life-changing revelation to him in many ways.

I know that what I have written can be dissected with a lot of "yeah, but what if......"'s. I'm just offering my own view of a tiny part of our world, and giving a few words of support to Gemini.