Stopped in Katy

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by pcgizzmo »

Sorry about the ticket but I don't get why some here don't want to provide info to LEO's? I understand it's not necessarily important to the ticket but it's not like you committed a felony and need an attorney. It could only serve to make the officer mad when you might otherwise get a warning. Yes, you are getting a ticket if he asks your employer etc. but what if he asks something before he decides to ticket you and you don't answer on the grounds it's not relevant? It might just make him decide to give you a ticket you weren't going to get.

Just a thought.
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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by McKnife »

Mind updating us on the outcome of your court case when it's over?

One thing I'm not understanding is how an attorney can get you out of a ticket that you are guilty of. What "tricks" do they have up their sleeves? Just seems odd to me.
I'm not guilty. My actions are justifiable. Just like the South East Houston jewelry store owner who committed Homicide by shooting 3 robbers; his actions are justified in self defense.

As far as attorneys go... some are better than others when it comes to showing doubt. I will share the details once my case is closed in mid-January.
Sorry about the ticket but I don't get why some here don't want to provide info to LEO's? I understand it's not necessarily important to the ticket but it's not like you committed a felony and need an attorney. It could only serve to make the officer mad when you might otherwise get a warning. Yes, you are getting a ticket if he asks your employer etc. but what if he asks something before he decides to ticket you and you don't answer on the grounds it's not relevant? It might just make him decide to give you a ticket you weren't going to get.

Just a thought.
If I truly feel that providing voluntary information might help my situation, I'll share it carefully.

However, in this incident, I saw the citation almost filled by the time the officer returned with my DL and CHL. So, there were no advantages in providing anything further than what is legally required. We were both professional and firm, but I felt it was a bit of a personal vengeance when he set the court date on my birthday. Oh well... I'm okay with everything because my court date was postponed,I wasn't disarmed during the stop and I have hired a confident attorney.

This will be my first time ever in a courtroom and I am actually excited.
Last edited by McKnife on Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by LarryH »

The store owner did not commit "murder", but he did commit "homicide".
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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by MasterOfNone »

McKnife wrote:My actions are justifiable.
There's one big hole in the defense of this as justifiable - you kept driving. If your brakes were in such a bad state that you could not stop from 1 mph, it was not safe to continue driving.
Last edited by MasterOfNone on Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by Abraham »

In the distant past, I cheerfully filled in every request for personal information when such was requested for banking or medical or fill in the blank, but now, unless there's a very good reason, I supply such information very judiciously. And yes, there have been a few occasions where I've had to forego the service or product because I was unwilling to trade in my personal information - so be it. They don't get my money and I've had little trouble finding what I need elsewhere.

Rarely do I give out my Social Security number on any application.

Initially, (now it's some years ago when I started leaving off that, that I deemed unnecessary to give out for the service/product rendered) the staff at the various locations acted almost outraged that I would have the temerity to refuse them my personal information. Who do I think I am is the general attitude displayed. Why everyone gives us their personal information - who am I to refuse?

What really amazes me is how few people turn down such requests for personal information.

Just the other day at a hair salon the staff handed out applications (applications? what?) requesting all sorts of personal data. I just glanced at mine and quickly handed it back. I was met with a frosty glare as if I HAD to provide this info. Oddly, most were filling them in.

I guess most would rather give out that they should hold close to their chests, but give out anyway, rather than face the disproving stares of strangers...
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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by juggernaut »

MasterOfNone wrote:
McKnife wrote:My actions are justifiable.
There's one big hole in the defense of this as justifiable
That's something that will be decided by a jury, if the case isn't tossed before it goes that far, knowing what I know about that attorney's practice.
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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by McKnife »

The store owner did not commit "murder", but he did commit "homicide".
Agreed. Thanks for pointing that out.
There's one big hole in the defense of this as justifiable - you kept driving. If your brakes were in such a bad state that you could not stop from 1 mph, it was not safe to continue driving.
:rules: I did not say my brakes could not stop at 1mph... only that it was the first time they shook violently and I was proceeding with caution. I stopped when the cop pulled me over and could have made it to my house in 20 seconds going 5mph. Any reasonable person would have done the same as I did.

Mechanic: It was likely that normal wear-and-tear and extreme temperature changes by lots of puddle-driving caused rotors to warp. The pads were still okay, but I replaced them anyway. Truck brakes fine now.
That's something that will be decided by a jury, if the case isn't tossed before it goes that far, knowing what I know about that attorney's practice.
:iagree: Precisely. My reasons are justified in my eyes. The jury may or may not agree. However, I am confident that my lawyer has a much better defense than what I have been talking about here on this forum.

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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by johnson0317 »

OK, it is past mid-January and I see no update on the court case. Could that mean he lost his case?

Just wondering.

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Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by McKnife »

Haha... forgot about this thread. No trial. Dismissed. Waited in line forever before entering the courtroom... it was awful. Pure madness. No organization. The bailiff was threatening to kick folks out because it was so crowded. He even threatened some guy with arrest because he was hard of hearing and kept asking him questions. Just going to the courthouse is enough to deter me from any traffic ticket.

If I had to do it over again, I'd probably do defensve driving and avoid the courtroom. The time taken off of work isn't worth the hassle.


Re: Stopped in Katy


Post by alvins »

im surpised no one mentioned defensive driving? if your not willing to go fight it.
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