Pulled over a future CHL lady

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by gigag04 »

Pulled a lady over because her license plate lights were out. I make contact and let her know why she's hearing from me (this is a standard stop that I make regularly but don't even bother even with writing a warning for...for the record...). I ask for her license and I see a 25 yd pistol target in the passenger seat - she nervously smiles and says "oh I don't have a gun, I just went shooting for me first time." I told her that's a shame that she didn't and shooting like that (she did decent) she should be carrying one in no time. She said her husband had said he wanted them both to get CHL's. I said that would be awesome because we (the cops) can't be everywhere. I encouraged her to continue in her training and sent her on her way. Hopefully she'll follow through.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by MoJo »

:thumbs2: You did good! hopefully both she and her husband will get their CHL.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by A-R »

gigag04 wrote:Pulled a lady over because her license plate lights were out. I make contact and let her know why she's hearing from me (this is a standard stop that I make regularly but don't even bother even with writing a warning for...for the record...). I ask for her license and I see a 25 yd pistol target in the passenger seat - she nervously smiles and says "oh I don't have a gun, I just went shooting for me first time." I told her that's a shame that she didn't and shooting like that (she did decent) she should be carrying one in no time. She said her husband had said he wanted them both to get CHL's. I said that would be awesome because we (the cops) can't be everywhere. I encouraged her to continue in her training and sent her on her way. Hopefully she'll follow through.
You should've written her a warning for "failure to drive safely" and said "ma'am, under section 46.02 of the Penal Code, you are allowed to keep a handgun concealed in your vehicle. Please have proper protection with you. Next time, I'll have to cite you. "


But in all seriousness, nice job. You likely gave her a BIG boost of confidence to go ahead and get her CHL. :thumbs2:
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by C-dub »

Way to go Gigag04!

If there are any openings my city's PD I'll be sure to let you know. We could use more guys like you.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by Purplehood »

First off, I think it was a very nice thing that the OP did.

I hope that the OP also told her that the MPA requires her weapon be concealed. Not only to let her know how to comply with the law, but for her own safety so that a potentially loaded weapon (which all weapons are by default) does not fly around the car in the event of rapid deceleration or braking.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by JNMAR »

C-dub wrote:Way to go Gigag04!

If there are any openings my city's PD I'll be sure to let you know. We could use more guys like you.

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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by MechAg94 »

Glad you encouraged her. :txflag: :thumbs2:
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by joe817 »

C-dub wrote:Way to go Gigag04!

If there are any openings my city's PD I'll be sure to let you know. We could use more guys like you.
:iagree: totally! Thanks for your service Gigag04! IMO your attitude exemplifies Texas Peace Officers in the time honored tradition that dates back to when Texas was a Republic. :txflag:
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by LarryH »

If you reread the OP, you will see that the lady had a pistol target on her front seat, not a pistol.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by Purplehood »

LarryH wrote:If you reread the OP, you will see that the lady had a pistol target on her front seat, not a pistol.
LOL, I misread it. My bad. No wonder everyone else didn't jump all over that one. I read it as a Target Pistol. (Dyslexic?)
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by gigag04 »

Purplehood wrote:First off, I think it was a very nice thing that the OP did.

I hope that the OP also told her that the MPA requires her weapon be concealed. Not only to let her know how to comply with the law, but for her own safety so that a potentially loaded weapon (which all weapons are by default) does not fly around the car in the event of rapid deceleration or braking.
Yeah it was just a target - she saw me see the target and felt the need to explain that she didn't have a gun on her. Most people think they would "relieve" a cop by telling him that. I just wanted to offer some other perspective.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by .45mac.40 »



By tha' way ... Thanks for doing tha' job AND thanks for being here !

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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by SenileDavid »

Great job.. Thank you for your service!! :clapping:
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by NcongruNt »

Just as a small clarification, a handgun does not have to be concealed if directly en route to or from home and the range (or hunting or whatever if the firearm is used in the activity). It's the same reason you can open carry a sidarm hunting, if it's something you could use during your hunting activities.

See TPC 46.15(b)(4):

Code: Select all

        § 46.15.  NONAPPLICABILITY.
        (b)  Section 46.02 does not apply to a person who:
                (4)  is engaging in lawful hunting, fishing, or other sporting activity on the immediate premises where the activity is conducted, or is en route between the premises and the actor's residence, if the weapon is a type commonly used in the activity;
Not that I'd recommend it really, but that there's the law. I have a friend who owned a range who was pulled over en route from the range to his house, open carrying a pistol on his hip, and it was no problem.

Good interaction gigag04. The APD tend to act surprised and a little weirded out when I tell them I'm carrying. Their universal response when I hand them my CHL is "you don't have it on you, do you?", and then when I reply in the affirmative, they act a little taken aback and give a "well, don't go for it" or something similar.

For the record, All my APD interactions while a CHLer have been calls to them making a report on a suspicious person, vehicle break in, or folks fist fighting in public.

DPS officers, on the other hand, have been unconcerned and ask something more like "do you have your gun with you?", and then don't mention it at all again after I answer in the affirmative.

My one interaction with a Texas Ranger (in my home, but he needed my ID so I handed him the CHL as well) was to immediately hand the CHL back and say "I don't need that". That interaction ended in a conversation about his choice in carry guns (he alternates between a 1911 and a Sig, depending on the season) and my choice in carry ammo (Gold Dot 124 grain +P, which he approved of as the only acceptable choice in 9mm). The Rangers are pretty cool dudes.
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Re: Pulled over a future CHL lady


Post by jordanmills »

NcongruNt wrote:DPS officers, on the other hand, have been unconcerned and ask something more like "do you have your gun with you?", and then don't mention it at all again after I answer in the affirmative.
The only time I've been pulled over by a DPS officer since I got my CHL, he chose to disarm me and run the gun's serial. To his credit, he was a rookie still in training, probably just doing it for the experience, and I was in what could have looked like a shady situation.

That was the only time an LEO has disarmed me.
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