4t5 wrote:To a cop like that, we are all just potential criminals.
Come and take it!

There are a LOT of shades of gray here which you're failing to take into consideration... ...Like maybe he's a good cop who has simply had a lot of experiences with people with bad attitudes. I forget who it was who said words to the effect of, "Is this the hill you are prepared to die on?"
In that spirit, I would probably reply with "Officer, I'd rather not draw my weapon in public like this, but if you insist, I would prefer to draw it, set it on the seat of my car, and then step back to a safe distance before you pick it up. I would also prefer to unload it while doing so." If the officer is dumb enough not to see his/her own self-interest in that offer, then I would comply as requested, and follow with a letter to his/her commander detailing the stop, my reply, and the officers actions, with an explanation of how the officer had behaved in an unsafe manner with regard to my firearm, and asking that the officer be notified (not reprimanded) of a better way to do things. An officer who has been made aware that the civilian was concerned about his/her safety as well as the citizen's own, might be a little more gracious in the future to CHL holders.
You catch more bees with honey.