FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops

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FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by Keith B »

Ya gotta love Cook county; home of our future President. :totap:


FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Ill. cops

Associated Press Writer

CHICAGO (AP) — Duffel bags stuffed with cocaine were delivered by plane to an out-of- the-way suburban airport while two sheriff’s officers provided security.

A police officer stood by to guard the cash and keep out the riffraff at a poker game where $100,000 changed hands. And a drug dealer was told squad cars marked “sheriff” and “sheriff’s police” might be available on a “freelance” basis to provide protection for his deliveries.

Such tales of law enforcement gone awry emerged in court papers Tuesday as federal prosecutors unveiled a series of elaborate sting operations aimed at officers who hired out to ride shotgun for drug deals and other criminal activities.

Fifteen officers and two other men who had pretended to be law enforcement officers were charged with conspiracy to possess and distribute cocaine or heroin or both.

But the most spectacular pretending was done by the federal agents themselves.

The pilots of the airplane were not drug runners but undercover agents. So were the gamblers who busily played hand after hand of high-stakes poker — all for show.

The drug broker who squired the officers to the airport to pick up the duffel bags was an agent. So was the drug dealer who stuffed the bags into his Mercedes-Benz.

U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald said he was dismayed to find that so many law enforcement officers had “sold out their badge.”

“When drug dealers deal drugs, they ought to be afraid of the police — not turn to them for help,” Fitzgerald said at a news conference.

Officials paid homage to an unnamed FBI agent who moved into a business in Harvey more than a year ago and set up shop as a drug broker. He soon attracted the attention of police and the corruption grew, authorities said.

They said the agent was sent in undercover because there had been reports of police corruption over the last several years in southern Cook County, including the Harvey police department. An investigation into allegations of robbery, extortion, narcotics offenses and weapons distribution is ongoing, officials said.

Those charged include 10 Cook County sheriff’s correc- tional officers, four Harvey po- lice officers and one Chicago police officer.

Of the 17 defendants, 14 were arrested or surrendered Tuesday and were being immediately brought before U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael Mason. Two sheriff’s officers are on active duty with Army National Guard units in Afghanistan, and warrants were issued for their arrest.

If convicted of conspiracy to possess and distribute more than five kilograms of cocaine or one kilogram of heroin, the defendants would face a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years and a maximum of life. The maximum fine would be $4 million.

Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart called the alleged behavior “absolutely reprehensible.”

“The responsibility of watching over jail inmates is an important one and it’s a shame these men didn’t take that responsibility more seriously,” he said in a statement.

Each of those charged has been suspended with pay pending a hearing next week, Dart said. “That step will then lead to a request for termination,” he said.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by seamusTX »

Just FYI, Harvey, Illinois, is (IMHO) a suburban low-rise slum. Many suburbs south of Chicago have been going in that direction. When I lived in the area in the 1990s, I would not willingly go into those towns.

Police corruption happens when mobsters can pay better than the government. Mobsters have been able to do that since the 1920s. Illegal drugs replaced alcohol prohibition as a motivation for criminals.

The scope of the sting in Illinois is remarkable. This kind of thing also happens in Texas, especially in the Rio Grande Valley, so often that it is page 6 news and doesn't make it onto TV unless the suspect is an elected official.

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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by srothstein »

Jim beat me to pointing out that this happens in Texas, but I remember one specific case I was going to mention. Around 1999, ten SAPD officers, including a sergeant who worked in the patrol division chief's office got busted for almost the exact same thing. They agreed to run security escorts for drugs for undercover FBI agents.

Bad cops occur everywhere, though we try our best to weed them out as quickly as we can find them. As much as I hate Chicago and Obama, this is more a reflection on the poor standards in law enforcement hiring these days than anything else.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by Elvis »

Oh sorry I thought this was the LEO Contacts & Bloopers forum. My bad...
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by jimlongley »

I'll bet that Daley is mad.

That those guys got caught, probably cuts into his take.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by srothstein »


This is not really what I consider to be a blooper, because I take that as an uninintentional mistkae, usually with a funny outcome. This is worse than that.

But, I also hope no one was offended by my response. This is the right forum for it, and I welcome people posting when cops do wrong too. My only point was to spread out that this is a national problem, not one to try to tie to Obama or any specific locality.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by aardwolf »

Keith B wrote:Each of those charged has been suspended with pay pending a hearing next week, Dart said.
A paid vacation? Where do I sign up?
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by Elvis »

srothstein wrote:Elvis,

This is not really what I consider to be a blooper, because I take that as an uninintentional mistkae, usually with a funny outcome. This is worse than that.

But, I also hope no one was offended by my response. This is the right forum for it, and I welcome people posting when cops do wrong too. My only point was to spread out that this is a national problem, not one to try to tie to Obama or any specific locality.
No Offense taken by your post sir. I just would hate to see this forum turn into a cop bashing location and this thread has nothing to do with CHL, Texas, Leo contacts or Bloopers. Corruption is everywhere, not just in law enforcement. My congradulations to the Feds for cleaning up some corrupt Cops, I just don't see the point of this thread other than seeking gratification for some that think all Cops are corrupt...
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by seamusTX »

The original post in this thread was posted by a moderator of this forum.

I post the occasional major canine torque by police, but I do not post every one that I know about. I know that the worst of the scum do not reflect on the majority of dedicated officers.

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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by Originalist »

Some years ago (2000-2002 time frame) there were 8 USAF Cops that were arrested for selling E at the Installation Gates at Lackland AFB. They got found by accident, someone accidentally said the "code" word and then turned the one in who ratted on the others involved
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by stroo »

I don't know about corruption in Texas but growing up in western Michigan, close to Chicago, and having lived in Illinois, I will tell you the corruption goes with "Chicago cop". I used to know a retired bailiff in Chicago who would tell me stories of how people bribed him and he didn't even recognize that he had been bribed; it was just business as usual in Chicago.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by seamusTX »

i will say that this has changed quite a bit from the 1950s and 60s until the 90s.

It used to be that if you were pulled over in traffic and handed the cop your driver license with a folded $10 bill behind it, he would hand back the license and tell you to be careful. Many drivers kept a $10 bill behind their license in their wallet for just this purpose.

Those days are over.

It takes at least $100 now. :smilelol5:

Seriously, few Chicago police officers are going to accept a bribe. It is just a few in very cynical and corrupt corners. Criminals who want to bribe police officers need to find officers who are are desperate for money or hooked on drugs.

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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by Keith B »

seamusTX wrote:The original post in this thread was posted by a moderator of this forum.

I post the occasional major canine torque by police, but I do not post every one that I know about. I know that the worst of the scum do not reflect on the majority of dedicated officers.

- Jim
I don't post them all either. Sorry if the post offended anyone. My intent was to show that the FBI was working hard to clean up corruption, and doing it in a pretty slick way.

I too am a former LEO (short term of reserve for 4 years.) I understand there are way more totally honest officers out there than corrupt, and the amount of corrupt ones is probably an extremely small percentage overall. My Brother-In-Law is a retired Chief from a municipal police department, and no one would ever have said he was corrupt. And his department overall reflected that honesty.

Corruption can and does happens in every large organization (not only law enforcement), and at many different levels. Take a look at Enron and World Comm; their CEO's were corrupt, just in a different manner. It is unfortunately a sign of the times we live in where many think it is the way. However, there has been corruption going on for years. New York put the Knapp Commission in place back in the early '70's to help fight corruption. Even back in prohibition times there were folks on the take. But as said, it doesn't happen just in police departments.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by KBCraig »

seamusTX wrote:It used to be that if you were pulled over in traffic and handed the cop your driver license with a folded $10 bill behind it, he would hand back the license and tell you to be careful. Many drivers kept a $10 bill behind their license in their wallet for just this purpose.

Those days are over.

It takes at least $100 now. :smilelol5:

Seriously, few Chicago police officers are going to accept a bribe.
Chicago, or anywhere else.

Even corrupt police won't usually accept an overt bribe from something casual like a traffic stop. If they want it bad enough, they'll make it known, but there are much more profitable ways to be corrupt these days.

About 10-12 years ago, we had an inmate who had been a Mississippi state trooper, highly decorated, not a spot on his record. What got him busted (six months short of retirement), was finding a big stash of drugs in the trunk during a traffic stop. He uncuffed the driver (there were no passengers) and told him to take off running. The guy was afraid of getting shot in the back, so he wouldn't run. Finally he took off (at gunpoint), but he didn't keep running. He hid in a ditch instead, and watched as his stash got cut in half, with half going to the trooper's car before backup was summoned.

I don't know how long he'd been pulling this stunt; perhaps it was the first time. If he'd gotten away with it, it would have been far more profitable than a hundred dollar handshake. (IIRC, it was several kilos of cocaine.)

Individual corruption is terrible, but it's not tolerated anywhere these days except among birds of a feather.

What troubles me far more is the official, perfectly legal, but still corrupt practice of asset forfeiture. Everyone despises a cop who would let a traffic violator go free in exchange for a c-note, but one who lets a driver go free without charges, but instead seizes his quarter million dollar truck after finding drugs in the cargo, is treated as a hero.

Official corruption is far more dangerous than casual individual corruption.
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Re: FBI agents stage sting to snare corrupt Illinois cops


Post by seamusTX »

When I first started driving, one of the pieces of "conventional wisdom" in circulation was asking the officer if you couldn't just pay the fine without getting a ticket. That was supposed to be an invitation to accept a bribe.

The few people I knew who admitted to trying it were simply told no.

I dislike civil asset forfeiture as much as you do; but it's completely legal, passed by our elected representatives, most of whom have been re-elected since.

- Jim
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