Hidalgo County SO
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Hidalgo County SO
Hidalgo county I was driving on a frontage road and had a vehicle pass me on the left in a lane that was ending,I had to slam on my brakes to avoid an accident, and after following the vehicle to get a tag number drove to the sheriff station to file a complaint.I had a deputy asked me to accompany him into the office area and i informed him i was carrying to which he replied are you licensed.I said yup an he said come on in.I was on my way to the gun range and the Sheriff Office/Jail was just down the road,the deputy asked me what the yearly membership fees were,maybe i'll see him punching paper there 

It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end-to-end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them
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Re: Hidalgo County SO
sounds cool, so what are the membership fees? u are talking about the valley metro range, right? i live in weslaco and have been thinking about trying that one out. do they rent any guns there? thanks.... rob
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Re: Hidalgo County SO
They rent a few different firearms,some glocks ,sigs, SA xd 9,AR15,some 22's,They are closed on monday and tuesday,but wed thru sat open 10am to 7pm,and sun 1pm to 6pm
It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end-to-end, someone would be stupid enough to try to pass them