Of course I start to think, “when did I have it last”, “did I leave it in the range bag”, did I put it in the house safe” and of course “was it stolen”
Last I remember putting it in my back pocket was about a week ago, by the way, as I normally carry a full size that I keep in the house
Truck was not broken into.
Did I happen to leave it unlocked over night or somewheee else?
So as I am thinking all of this, I look back into my armrest as I also don’t see about $8 which should have been there, but I supposed I could have used that sometime and forgot
And then I look for my backup 8rd magazine which never leaves the armrest, and it’s not there.... so it’s real, it’s been stolen and I have no idea how or when or where it was taken
I call League City PD to report it, not that I am worried about the value or even getting it back, but just in case it is found on the street sometime, the (insert appropriate adjective) person would be arrested for possession of a stolen firearm
The interaction with the office on the phone was good, and the call ended with “don’t hold your breath”
So this phone call ended about 6:45pm tonight
8:45pm, same officer calls and says “Mr. C, you should buy a lottery ticket, your gun was already found
He proceeds to tell me that Harris County has it and they took it off of a gang member in (I think he said North) Houston
And they have charged him with possession of a stolen firearm.

The officer tells me that Harris County will hold the gun for a couple weeks likely, and either send it to LCPD, or I may have to pick it up at Harris County.
Sad story with a happy ending!
(I’m not sharing this to have a debate or discussion on in vehicle gun storage or anything else, just to share a happy ending)