Woman calls 911....Get shot

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by philip964 »

The first former Somali refugee on the Minnapolis police force, who is named Mohammed, fired his gun inside the police car from the passenger seat, towards the open drivers window, as his partner talked through the window with an unarmed Australian pajama clad bride to be, who had made the 911 call they were responding to, killing her?

Did I get that right? Did I miss anything?

It must have been really loud for his partner when the gun was fired.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by bblhd672 »

Seems like the Minneapolis Police are trigger happy, shoot first, apologize later.
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by Excaliber »

srothstein wrote:This is a very interesting case since no one is saying what happened yet. The story I just read (Police Magazine) makes it look less like an ND than deliberate shooting. The officer was in the passenger seat and he "reached over" to shoot her. No weapons at the scene but her cell phone was found where she dropped it, implying to me that she had the phone in her hand when shot.

The police have not released any other information and no one from the family is yelling yet other than not knowing what happened. Cameras not on are easy to understand, useless for images in this case anyway but audio might have helped. Car camera is used when red lights come on and this was not a stop like that. It can be turned on manually but that would be when they get out of the car and only if they thought something would happen in front of the car. Body cameras would usually get turned on when they exit the car to approach the suspect. They could have a policy of turning it on for any citizen contact but it would be highly unlikely. Most places would not turn on the camera just to take a report, which is what this call was.

This call could be an example of why using the body camera and the car camera for any citizen contact is a good idea, even if it is an expensive one. Storage costs for all of the data that would produce would be enormous, in addition to the cost of having an employee review the recordings to determine which get kept and which get deleted as unnecessary.
The facts on this incident so far are really sparse, but it really doesn't look good at this point.

I'm having a hard time coming up with a scenario where a female complainant in her night clothes outside a police car and talking to the driver about a third party incident, might present a deadly threat that necessitated fatal gunfire from the officer in the passenger seat.

The only possible explanation I can come up with is a pathologically nervous rookie mistaking a cell phone for a small pistol. That's not good either.

We'll have to wait for more facts to make any nonspeculative sense of this.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by Excaliber »

A few more background details here.

Three pending formal complaints against a rookie officer in two years is unusual to say the least.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by philip964 »

Ruled a homicide.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by baseballguy2001 »

How many more times will government agents make a fatal 'mistake' and not be held accountable? If you or I fired at someone who was unarmed, who posed no threat, what do you think would happen?

http://www.startribune.com/minneapolis- ... 4975623/#1
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by Liberty »

philip964 wrote:Ruled a homicide.
Doesn't mean much. Just that she was killed by another person. Homicide doesn't mean illegal intent. If someone is killed because of self-defense it's called justifiable homicide.
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

srothstein wrote:This call could be an example of why using the body camera and the car camera for any citizen contact is a good idea, even if it is an expensive one. Storage costs for all of the data that would produce would be enormous, in addition to the cost of having an employee review the recordings to determine which get kept and which get deleted as unnecessary.
You could minimize the storage costs with a policy of automation deletion / overwrite after 7 days unless a request has been made to retain the footage. If a request is made, then all footage subject to that request is kept until a final court ruling. 7 days should be sufficient time for someone to get an attorney and make an initial request. That request process could also be simplified (form on the department's web site, etc). Any officer involved shooting could also trigger automatic retention of the data.

Body cameras protect everyone involved, including the police.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by K.Mooneyham »

If the police officer in the passenger seat didn't shoot the woman on purpose for some reason, then the only thing that fits is an ND. However, in either case, most likely the whole thing occurred due to poor training . The liberal disdain of firearms (and thus probably a low budget for firearms training) could lead to some very bad incidents, such as the one in the article.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by parabelum »

Too many are being hired based on their ethnic background solely for the sake of diversity. Many good candidates, some with extensive military experience, are passed on because of their tattoos or lack of callege degree etc. If you work for PD now or have someone close to you that is, especially in the lt. and up role, you know what I'm talking about.

And yes, this is what you'll see more off, unfortunately.

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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by baseballguy2001 »

As a pro in the IT world, data storage is really affordable these days. These clowns should have had the body cams going and violated their own policy by not activating them.
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by WTR »

They say it will tale 2 to 4 months to investigate this incident. Are they hoping it will go away? Then the DA decides if charges will be brought......not a Grand Jury.
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by Lynyrd »

baseballguy2001 wrote:How many more times will government agents make a fatal 'mistake' and not be held accountable? If you or I fired at someone who was unarmed, who posed no threat, what do you think would happen?

http://www.startribune.com/minneapolis- ... 4975623/#1
Unless you were LEO, you would be arrested and hauled to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. There are different rules for LEO. Somebody, please tell me I am wrong.
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by C-dub »

Liberty wrote:
philip964 wrote:Ruled a homicide.
Doesn't mean much. Just that she was killed by another person. Homicide doesn't mean illegal intent.
To be determined. Hopefully by a jury.
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Re: Woman calls 911....Get shot


Post by rotor »

This is a terrible shooting. We don't know all of the facts and I doubt that we will. No body cams turned on. Apparently no witnesses. Perhaps but doubtful some video in the alley was working. 2-4 months to review? I think that the testimony of the non-shooter officer is important but these guys will probably try to cover each other. The best scenario is a ND and even that stinks in this case. Even if it is a ND why would the guy have pulled his gun and had it pointing across his partner? I know most cops are good guys but there are an awful lot of BAD stories lately.
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