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Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:54 pm
by Soccerdad1995
OK, here's what I don't understand. Poor folks, generally speaking are more likely to vote Democrat than Republican. I'm inferring from this that the majority of "poor" folks also are less supportive of the RKBA than the population as a whole. But at the same time, these folks are also much more likely to need a gun for self defense.

I am fortunate to live in a neighborhood where home / vehicle break-ins are very rare. I work in a building with controlled access (including the garage). So I only go into high crime areas on very rare occasions. And I am very protective of my RKBA so I can keep myself and my family safe.

Yet we have a group of people who are much more likely to be victimized by violent crime (at home or otherwise), who generally don't trust the police to protect them, and who are somehow against the idea of law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns. It just makes no sense at all. This is a demographic that should easily understand the dangers that can befall an unarmed person. How can we convince more of these folks to support the RKBA?

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:08 pm
by Flightmare
Fear of firearms and anything in general is typically caused by a lack of education. I've talked with friends who have never fired a gun in their lives and are afraid of them. Their only knowledge of them comes from what they see on TV. I let them handle mine (after unloading it), and make sure they are aware of how safe they can be (especially compared to vehicles), I then offer to take them to the range to let them try one out. For first time shooters, I almost ALWAYS start them off with my S&W 22A so they aren't surprised by a loud bang or recoil. For the last few people I've taken shooting, they've really enjoyed it and have talked about going back. Once again, education!

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:38 pm
by rotor
Poor folks vote democrat because democrats give them the handouts. Democrats vote anti 2A. Doesn't mean that poor folks are not pro 2A. From what I am reading, poor (Blacks anyhow) are becoming very pro-gun ownership since Trump was elected whereas gun sales seem to be markedly down in general because HRC is no longer a factor. Go figure!

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:46 pm
by Soccerdad1995
Flightmare wrote:Fear of firearms and anything in general is typically caused by a lack of education. I've talked with friends who have never fired a gun in their lives and are afraid of them. Their only knowledge of them comes from what they see on TV. I let them handle mine (after unloading it), and make sure they are aware of how safe they can be (especially compared to vehicles), I then offer to take them to the range to let them try one out. For first time shooters, I almost ALWAYS start them off with my S&W 22A so they aren't surprised by a loud bang or recoil. For the last few people I've taken shooting, they've really enjoyed it and have talked about going back. Once again, education!
So how do we educate people that guns are not some evil thing, but rather are a tool that will keep people safe? I have little hope when we have another active thread where the owners of a gun store are publicly saying that the presence of guns makes their staff less safe. If that type of ignorance is being exhibited by people who supposedly know something about guns, then what hope do we have for folks who have been indoctrinated by the media and their political leaders to think guns = bad?

Is the answer more NRA advertisements, individual out-reach, or something else?

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:02 pm
by Flightmare
Soccerdad1995 wrote:
Flightmare wrote:Fear of firearms and anything in general is typically caused by a lack of education. I've talked with friends who have never fired a gun in their lives and are afraid of them. Their only knowledge of them comes from what they see on TV. I let them handle mine (after unloading it), and make sure they are aware of how safe they can be (especially compared to vehicles), I then offer to take them to the range to let them try one out. For first time shooters, I almost ALWAYS start them off with my S&W 22A so they aren't surprised by a loud bang or recoil. For the last few people I've taken shooting, they've really enjoyed it and have talked about going back. Once again, education!
So how do we educate people that guns are not some evil thing, but rather are a tool that will keep people safe? I have little hope when we have another active thread where the owners of a gun store are publicly saying that the presence of guns makes their staff less safe. If that type of ignorance is being exhibited by people who supposedly know something about guns, then what hope do we have for folks who have been indoctrinated by the media and their political leaders to think guns = bad?

Is the answer more NRA advertisements, individual out-reach, or something else?
I think doing a mass marketing drive is just going to be debated by anti-2a groups who fear an inanimate object. These same groups use emotion to argue their position rather than logic. It's very difficult to reach someone who makes emotional decisions as opposed to logical decisions.

I have friends who are emotional decision makers, and those are the ones who are more difficult to get thru to. For some people, education will not overcome an emotional bias.

The ones who are more logical thinkers, they seem to be more open to the understanding of the importance of the RKBA. These are the people who frequently not only support the RKBA, but typically own firearms themselves and frequently have their LTC.

I don't think there is a one size fits all solution. I've been working with individuals. I would hope that the people I've helped to educate would then help educate others. That's my goal anyways.

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:26 pm
by Liberty
I think a lot of it is urban vs rural rather than haves and have nots. I grew up pretty poor, but we lived in the boonies in a rural area. Fishing gardens and a little small game were methods of feeding ourselves. A local turkey farmer would pay us a little bit for killing rats, foxes and feral dogs (stalking or attacking his turkeys. We learned at a pretty young age that guns were a tool. We knew neighbors, good people that had guns they hunted and protected their livestock. Bad guys with guns were only in the movies or TV.

City kids get taught that guns are for gangs members and bad guys. That guns are to be avoided.

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:47 pm
by Jusme
Liberty wrote:I think a lot of it is urban vs rural rather than haves and have nots. I grew up pretty poor, but we lived in the boonies in a rural area. Fishing gardens and a little small game were methods of feeding ourselves. A local turkey farmer would pay us a little bit for killing rats, foxes and feral dogs (stalking or attacking his turkeys. We learned at a pretty young age that guns were a tool. We knew neighbors, good people that had guns they hunted and protected their livestock. Bad guys with guns were only in the movies or TV.

City kids get taught that guns are for gangs members and bad guys. That guns are to be avoided.


I think Liberty has hit it pretty close to the truth. Most urban area people, believe that guns are to blame for the violence they see on the news and in their neighborhoods. They then tend to look to the liberal politicians, to help save them, and in doing so, buy into the rhetoric that if guns are taken off the streets, they will be safe. That trend is changing, as people begin to understand that they, not politicians, or even the police can protect them all the time.
Detroit, is a great example, since they passed concealed carry laws, there, the crime rate has dropped, and more inner city people are standing up for themselves. They are also reclaiming the city that liberal politics almost turned into a ghost town.
There will always be those who fear what they don't understand, or believe to be evil, but there is a changing mindset.

People like Colion Noir, are doing a great job of educating inner city, folks about how the first gun control laws were passed to prevent freed slaves from retaliating against former slave owners. And that the 2A applies to everyone. As more people educate themselves through social media, and stay away from MSM, they will come to realize the lies they have been told. JMHO

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:02 pm
by Abraham
Not low iq as a group, just unsophisticated.

And easily manipulated.

An old story...

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:50 pm
by Ameer
rotor wrote:Poor folks vote democrat because democrats give them the handouts. Democrats vote anti 2A. Doesn't mean that poor folks are not pro 2A.
"If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time,
no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side." - Orson Scott Card

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 8:13 pm
by JakeTheSnake
There is a App called, Nextdoor. It is a social network app for area neighborhoods. You can keep up with happenings in your neighborhood and those around you. You can post Classifieds, Lost & Found, Events, Crime & Safety, etc.
There is a gentleman on here that gives free firearms safety classes for anyone interested that has never had the experience. All they have to do is pay for range and ammo, he provides the firearms. Every time he does one he fills all available seats. He has helped a few get their LTC. Seems like a pretty good way for someone with firearms safety training to help educate. Especially for someone who doesn't know where to start or go.

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 8:28 pm
by Oldgringo
Ameer wrote:
rotor wrote:Poor folks vote democrat because democrats give them the handouts. Democrats vote anti 2A. Doesn't mean that poor folks are not pro 2A.
"If pigs could vote, the man with the slop bucket would be elected swineherd every time,
no matter how much slaughtering he did on the side." - Orson Scott Card
...and that is pretty much how it goes down, election after election, on every level.

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:20 pm
by Bitter Clinger

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:05 am
by crazy2medic
I think personal responsibility come into play also, getting an education and getting a job and taking care of yourself and your family requires personal responsibility, owning and especially carrying a gun requires personal responsibility. For some the belief that it's the government's job to feed and protect them frees them of the burden of personal responsibility!

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:26 am
by Oldgringo
I've often wondered the same thing about the world's Jewry. After the atrocities of the Holocaust and the ongoing mission of others to eliminate them, I'd think they would all be in a "never again" mode and armed to the teeth.

Re: Why aren't more poor folks pro-2A?

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 8:38 am
by MeMelYup
Oldgringo wrote:I've often wondered the same thing about the world's Jewry. After the atrocities of the Holocaust and the ongoing mission of others to eliminate them, I'd think they would all be in a "never again" mode and armed to the teeth.
Some are, some are not. It seems that the more distance from an atrocious act, the less some of the people think they have to protect themselves from it.