Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ

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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by OneGun »

Abraham wrote:I still wonder why this terd is still being voted in?

He's presumably a repub, (not) but I still wonder why he was kicked off the Trump team?

Anyone, anyone know or can speculate even?

Why is he still in power?
He no longer holds office. He signed the ban on his last day in office. The new governor is a DemocRat.
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by Nutcracker »

Abraham wrote:I still wonder why this terd is still being voted in?
He probably had a lot of friends in construction and solid waste businesses in New Jersey.
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by philip964 »

You can have a rifle in New Jersey?

Or are they making your bump stop illegal just like your rifle?
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by C-dub »

philip964 wrote:You can have a rifle in New Jersey?

Or are they making your bump stop illegal just like your rifle?
Nah, they just want to make sure people can't use their bullet buttons to attach them to their Glocks and turn those into fully automatic death machines. :evil2:
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by Jeff B. »

The Big Boy had his figurative 15 minutes and blew it when he revealed the he really is a NE Limousine RINO who is probably to the left of some of our Texas Democrats.

Christie has never been a gun rights proponent and is a big government guy. This just underlines his beliefs and mindset.

There is a fundamental struggle going on today regarding the role of government, specifically the Federal Government in our society. The folks that believe the Fed.Gov is way out of its intended bounds, numerically are significant. Our issue is that the folks representing us have for the most part been co-opted by the "big state" and all the benefits that come from serving it.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.

Jeff B.
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by Ike Aramba »

Jeff B. wrote:There is a fundamental struggle going on today regarding the role of government, specifically the Federal Government in our society. The folks that believe the Fed.Gov is way out of its intended bounds, numerically are significant. Our issue is that the folks representing us have for the most part been co-opted by the "big state" and all the benefits that come from serving it.
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by BBYC »

anygunanywhere wrote:
BBYC wrote:The GOP will save us.
You will hear from my attorney for copyright infringement.
I'm not worried. Texas GOP tort teform will save me.
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by anygunanywhere »

BBYC wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:
BBYC wrote:The GOP will save us.
You will hear from my attorney for copyright infringement.
I'm not worried. Texas GOP tort teform will save me.

Awful sure of yourself. Are you dreaming?
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Re: Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban in NJ


Post by Ruark »

I've seen several youtubes of people blasting away bump firing using just a forefinger, maybe with a rubber band.
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