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Some inside baseball on this session

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:57 am
by mojo84
Empower Texans is a partisan political organization that leans strongly to the conservative side. It is well funded and well connected within the political circles. Here's their perspective on this session's committee assignments and the outlook for conservative legislation.

I agree with them the large majority of the time and based on this analysis, I'm less optimistic than I was before reading it. For the record, I wasn't very optimistic to begin with. ... he-losers/

Prospects are bad for the Republican Party’s top five legislative priorities.
Constitutional carry will be referred to a Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee with only one member who supports the legislation.

Attempts to end or even diminish abortion will likely fail in Public Health where a majority of lawmakers support abortion-on-demand.

Increased border security funding or even maintenance of current funding levels is likely to be opposed by a majority of the Appropriations Committee.

An Article V Convention of States has been placed in jeopardy though the appointment of members who oppose the effort to the Select Committee on State and Federal Power and Responsibility.

Any hope to abolish or curtail property taxes has been sharply curtailed, as Rep. Dennis Bonnen, who championed a proposal to make minor cuts to the state sales tax as an alternative last session retained the chairmanship of Ways and Means.

Re: Some inside baseball on this session

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:07 am
by The Wall
What they all need to consider every time they sit down with their committees is the voters are watching them closely and will remember what they have done come election time.

Re: Some inside baseball on this session

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:10 am
by mojo84
The Wall wrote:What they all need to consider every time they sit down with their committees is the voters are watching them closely and will remember what they have done come election time.
The problem is, voters have short memories, don't pay attention and don't what is going on inside. If things never get to the floor to vote on them, how do you know?

If your proposed system were effective, Straus wouldn't still be ruling the roost.

Re: Some inside baseball on this session

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:11 am
by steveincowtown
Everything they want to accomplish, they will. Not one thing more, not one thing less.

Don't believe the smoke and mirrors and remember pandering to the base (whether a law passes or not) keeps "R" seats full in the House and Senate.

IMHO some bills are by design to keep financial supporters happy, whether they have a chance of passing or not.

Re: Some inside baseball on this session

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:15 am
by mojo84
steveincowtown wrote:Everything they want to accomplish, they will. Not one thing more, not one thing less.

Don't believe the smoke and mirrors and remember pandering to the base (whether a law passes or not) keeps "R" seats full in the House and Senate.
The problem is "they" is comprised of Straus and his democrat and RINO cronies. Considering the committee assignments, I guess we just need to hope they want to advance conservative issues.