Potential confrontation with crazy shooter
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:13 pm
Had a near-miss with a lunatic the other day.
We live about 20 miles out of San Antonio, just off of I10. I10 is a major interstate highway that goes clear across the country. Our house backs up to the freeway, separated by about 100-150 feet of thick cedar and oak brush.
In nearby Boerne, police responded to a call about some guy chasing another guy with a shotgun. When they arrived, he jumped into his car and took off down I10 with a dozen cops and state troopers after him.
After a few miles, the guy pulled over on the shoulder and jumped out of his car, BUT..... instead of running into the thick trees about 50 feet away, he started firing his shotgun towards the police! Like they say, criminals aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Outnumbering him by about 20 to 1, the police promptly perforated him, hitting him at least 8 times. He's still in ICU, last I heard. He was some 50 year old guy from a nearby small town.
The thing is, IF he had run into those trees, like 99% of them would have, he would have run right into our back yard. I was 20 miles away at the time; my wife was in the house alone and called me when she heard all the gunfire. She was scared to death and had locked the house up. He could have run into our back yard and crashed through some big plate glass windows and taken her as a hostage.... all kinds of possible scenarios. So it was a close call; we were lucky that he chose to attempt to commit suicide-by-cop instead of running away.
Here's the local newspaper writeup:
https://www.boernestar.com/article/news ... g-incident
We live about 20 miles out of San Antonio, just off of I10. I10 is a major interstate highway that goes clear across the country. Our house backs up to the freeway, separated by about 100-150 feet of thick cedar and oak brush.
In nearby Boerne, police responded to a call about some guy chasing another guy with a shotgun. When they arrived, he jumped into his car and took off down I10 with a dozen cops and state troopers after him.
After a few miles, the guy pulled over on the shoulder and jumped out of his car, BUT..... instead of running into the thick trees about 50 feet away, he started firing his shotgun towards the police! Like they say, criminals aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Outnumbering him by about 20 to 1, the police promptly perforated him, hitting him at least 8 times. He's still in ICU, last I heard. He was some 50 year old guy from a nearby small town.
The thing is, IF he had run into those trees, like 99% of them would have, he would have run right into our back yard. I was 20 miles away at the time; my wife was in the house alone and called me when she heard all the gunfire. She was scared to death and had locked the house up. He could have run into our back yard and crashed through some big plate glass windows and taken her as a hostage.... all kinds of possible scenarios. So it was a close call; we were lucky that he chose to attempt to commit suicide-by-cop instead of running away.
Here's the local newspaper writeup:
https://www.boernestar.com/article/news ... g-incident