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OH: Mom with CC license shoots ex-boyfriend breaking in

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:22 pm
by ELB ... e/27782923

Mother of five's ex-boyfriend kicked out a window AC and entered house. Mom lit him up with several shots. He's at hospital being stitched back together.

“Thank goodness she had a Concealed Carry Permit and was able to defend herself and her five children," said Prosecutor Joe Deters in a news release. "It is hard to imagine what might have happened to her or her children if she had not been able to protect herself and her family.”

Re: OH: Mom with CC license shoots ex-boyfriend breaking in

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2019 6:24 pm
by Pawpaw
Good for her!

I would have to ask the prosecutor what having a concealed carry permit had to do with anything. She was in her own home.