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IN: Repeat burglary foiled by armed occupants

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:52 am
by ELB ... heast-side

Some burglars hit an unoccupied house for sale on Thursday morning, taking some items and draining a hot water heater. Suspecting the burglars would return to grab the empty water heater, the owner had two men stay in the house to guard it.

Sure enough three burglars tried to break in again Thursday evening. One ended up dead, one was shot at and ran away, a third in the getaway vehicle drove off. Police looking for a blue or black Chevy van...with the windows shot out.

Re: IN: Repeat burglary foiled by armed occupants

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 12:41 pm
by bblhd672
If they drained the water heater onto the floor they could have been the "Wet Bandits" :biggrinjester: